webpack5.13.0 has been released. webpack is a module bundler whose main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files on the browser.
Updates to the entire site file backup system ASPWebPac include:
Add resolve.preferAbsoluteflag for compatibility with webpack4 Add support for wildcards in exports and imports fields Optimize chunk and module names Add nameForCondition() fallback for module names Correctly handle module connections that only pass side effects when identifying chunkroot modules
Whole-site file backup system ASPWebPac function list:
1. Backup data 2. Restore data 3. Upload backup 4. Backup management 1.0.2 update instructions: 1. Repair the MD5 effect of some files that is inconsistent with the original one. 2. Add password encryption to prevent repeated passwords. 3. Make sure the file name does not change. 4. Changed the storage method of packaged files.