Introduction to Taote site search engine product features:
This product is a specially customized version of Taote's search engine ForPhpCmsV9. After the system is installed, you can index and fuzzy query the article data of PhpCmsV9 (no need to connect to the database). It supports search by title and full text, and the search time is at the millisecond level. Because the front desk It no longer accesses the database, its performance and security are portal-level, and it is very suitable for larger-scale websites, especially those with more than one million data volumes.
This system uses Chinese word segmentation algorithm to support batch generation of indexes for data in popular databases such as Access, Sqlserver, Mysql, Oralce, etc. The front-end search program does not need to retrieve the database, achieving both performance and security improvements. With optimized indexing technology, the time required to search tens of millions of articles is still within milliseconds. Provide advanced search, you can choose to search by column, title, content, author, content, date, sorting, etc.
Tip: This system has been packaged with tomcat7, so you only need to unzip this product and then install jdk7.0.
1. Install Jdk7.0
Download address:
Please select the appropriate version to download based on your server environment.
1. After uploading the installation program under Linux, run #rpm-ivhjdk-7u11-linux-i586.rpm
The process is relatively simple, just follow the prompts.
2. To install under Windows, double-click the downloaded jdk-7u11-windows-i586.exe and click "Next" according to the prompts.
2. Set environment variables
1. Settings under linux
exportJAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk-7u11 (change to the directory where your java is located)
exportCATALINA_HOME=/opt/TotJavaSearchFree4.0 (change to the decompression directory of this product)
After saving, restart the server.
2. Set right-click "My Computer" under Windows - Properties - Advanced - Environment Variables - System Variables - New Variable Name: JAVA_HOME Variable Value: The installation directory where java is located (such as: C:ProgramFilesJavajdk1.7.0_11)
Variable name: CATALINA_HOME Variable value: The decompression directory of this product
3. Start/stop the search system
1. Start under linux (if this product is decompressed to opt/TotJavaSearchFree4.0):
Stop service:
2. Start under Windows and double-click the directory /bin/startup.bat where the software is located.
Stop service:
Double-click shutdown.bat
4. Configure the search program
1. Execute http://yourIP:8080/install.jsp to run the installation program.
2. After the installation is successful, restart tomcat. Log in to the background http://yourIP:8080/admin/login.jsp
3. Click "Index Management" -> "Update Index" to regularly update the records in the database
4. Visit: http://yourip:8080/ to view the front-end search results.
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+Default username and password are: admins+
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