We7CMS is a set of website content management system software (ContentManageSystem, CMS for short) developed in C#, based on .net2.0, and can run on Oracle, SQLite, Sqlserver, MySQL, Access and other databases.
We7CMSv2.8 focuses more on user experience and code quality. To this end, we have done a lot of work on function streamlining and performance optimization:
a. Created 2 new auxiliary sites
b. Write 4 supporting documents
c. Extract 13 non-essential functions to the Weiqi plug-in mall
d. Reconstruct the release visual template function and get 10 speed improvements.
e. Fixed 100+ BUGs
f. After completing more than 10,000 lines of scripts and back-end code
Taiwan login password: username/password:admin/111111
We7CMS update log:1. Fixed the bug that the jump address is incorrect after the feedback model is submitted.
2. Add category three-level linkage controls.
3. A method to support thumbnail capture should be added to the content model detail page.
4. Add settings on the ModelList page to determine whether to use the old list interface.
5. Feedback model - processing permissions - add "not accept" and "transfer" permissions, and the feedback page will display different buttons based on permissions.
6. Add a control to obtain the current article ID under We7.Model.UI.
7. Rewrite OnLoad to OnInit to prevent the front page page from rewriting OnLoad and causing permission loss.
8. After deleting a record from the background list, the list is automatically refreshed.
9. Corrected the problem of invalid time selection in workload statistics when querying by user or column.
10. Fixed any file download bug.
11. Correction of content model category control data formatting.
12. Shorten the expiration time of ShopService.
13. Exception handling of WriteLog() method.
14. If the feedback model is encrypted, you need to enter a password when entering the detailed page of the front-end information list.
15. Feedback query information list page, the list is read out by default
16. When querying the database, the Name field in some places needs to be changed to Title; the feedback type is encrypted and verified; the feedback type adds a sorting field.
17. The PageSize property in BaseWidgetList.cs is moved to WidgetList.cs; when adding a category, only the names under the same parent category at the same level cannot be repeated.
We7CMS content management system software page display