1. Source code description This is the source code of the standardized management system of the Shijiazhuang Finance Bureau Information Center . The overall functions are relatively complete and the interface is relatively beautiful. It can be used for learning and communication or course design. Friends who need it can download it and take a look.
2. Function introduction The specific functions of this source code are as follows:
1. Document management, document upload, document query
2. Asset management Asset registration Asset maintenance and scrapping application Asset maintenance and scrapping review Asset maintenance and scrapping query Asset equipment statistics query
3. Computer room management, computer room entry and exit application, computer room entry and exit approval, computer room maintenance and repair (inspection personnel are found out from the computer room entry and exit application)
Computer room equipment management Computer room entry and exit query Computer room maintenance and repair query
4. Video conferencing meeting test and meeting records meeting test and meeting signature meeting equipment maintenance application meeting equipment maintenance review video conference inquiry
5. Software maintenance technical support content registration business system usage application business system change application business system data modification application business system usage review business system change review business system data modification review
6. Query statistical technical support registration query computer room equipment statistics query personnel status query document query computer room entry and exit query video conference query computer room equipment query equipment maintenance query business system data modification query business system usage and change query
7. System management authority management, department management, user management, file category management, asset category management, software name maintenance, problem classification, maintenance personnel situation management, password modification, department management, procurement form setting
3. Precautions
1. The administrator username is: admin and the password is admin.
2. The development environment is Visual Studio2010, the database is SQLServer2008R2, the database file is in the DB_51aspx folder, and is developed using .netFramework2.0.
3. The database connection string is modified in the Web.config configuration file.
4. This source code is only suitable for course design and learning communication. Commercial use prohibited. Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk!