Luyang PHP enterprise system v1.0
After unzipping the package, there are two directories. libs is the class file of smarty, and hhy is the enterprise program. (It took three days to write this, which is relatively rough. The v2.0 version will be released in June)
The origin of the name of this program, haha, my girlfriend's name is Xiao Lu and my name is Hou Huiyang, so I named it Luyang PHP Enterprise System.
Program development environment: WindowsXP+Apache+PHP5+MySQL5
Backend management address: admin/login.php
To test this program, please remove the colon in front of ;extension=php_mysqli.dll in php.ini - save - restart the server
1.) Unzip all files into the php environment. This program is designed with smarty+php+mysql. If it cannot run, please modify the smarty.php file in the hhy folder.
//Initialize a smarty class;
$smarty=new smarty;
$smarty->template_dir=ROOT_DIR. /hhy/templates/ ;
$smarty->compile_dir=ROOT_DIR. /hhy/templates_c/ ;
$smarty->cache_dir=ROOT_DIR. /hhy/cache/ ;
$smarty->config_dir=ROOT_DIR. /hhy/configs/ ;
Set smarty cache;
/*$samrty->cache_dir = "hhy/cache"; //Set the cache directory
$smarty->cache_lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24; //Set cache time
$smarty->caching = true; //Set caching mode*/
Change hhy to your folder name
2.) Modify the password and user name for connecting to the database under under configs
3.) This program does not create a secure page and manually import into the mysql database. The administrator's initial account is admin and the password is hhy. Backend address: http://your website address/hhy/admin/login.php.
4.) This version is v1.0 and is relatively rough. There will be big changes in the next version.