Yifan Voting Management System v1.0 is an online picture voting system that allows online registration, review, picture viewing and modification, commenting and other functions.
Home page (can directly display picture information, click on the picture to display detailed information)
Activity plan:
1. Details of the activity plan can be displayed on the left
2. The upper part on the right is a bulletin board. Click to display details.
3. The middle part on the right is a friendly link. Click to jump to it.
4. The lower part on the right is a description, which is used to explain the basic information of the software.
Registration instructions:
To explain some relevant regulations for registration
Awards rules:
Explain some rules for award judging.
Voting results:
It can intuitively display the number of votes each contestant has received and sort them. The higher the votes, the higher the ranking.
I want to register:
For the registration channel for contestants, after filling in the basic information and entries, you can register to participate. The administrator will review it before it can be displayed on the homepage.
Member login:
Administrator logs in to the backend portal.
System management:
1. Website settings: Set some basic information of the website.
2. Role management: administrator’s setting, modification, and deletion.
3. Friendly links: add, modify, and delete friendly links.
4: Voting switch: Manage whether the voting system at the front desk is available.
Website settings:
1. Announcement management: Announcements in the management system can be added, modified, and deleted.
2. Investment cooperation: Modify the content of investment cooperation.
3. Registration Instructions: Modify the registration instructions.
4. Awards rules: Modify the award rules.
5. Activity plan: Modify the activity plan.
Registration management:
Manage registration: review the submitted works.
Picture management:
Manage image classification and image information
Comment management:
Manage comments and review them before they can be displayed on the front page.
Yifan Voting and Selection System front page Yifan Voting and Selection System backend managementBackend path: domain name/i5808/Admin_Index.asp
Backend account password: admin123456
Backend page