Optimize core IO reading;
view2.js adds for loop support for custom data;
Optimize the reading of number lists by post and get;
Optimized console, adjustable multi-APP;
Fix the bug of expression parsing Empty method;
Optimize view2;
MoAspEnginer is an ASP open source MVC framework based on JScript. AJScript-basedMVCframeworkforASP.
Single file entry. Single entry point.
True separation of code and program. ArealMVC.
Template compiles ASP code. CombinetemplatefiletoASP(JScript)code.
Supports class library extensions and template custom tag extensions. SupportLibraryandTageextend.
Supports a variety of databases, including ACCESS, MSSQL, MYSQL, and SQLITE by default, and other types of databases can be customized. SupportMuti-Type-Databases.
Supports multiple database operations. SupportMuti-Databases-Operate.
Form validation is supported, and HTTP request data can be used directly to update the database. FormValidateeissupported,andHttpPostdatacanbeusedforinsertorupdatetablerecord(s).
Provides HttpRequest, HttpUpload, Soap, OAUTH2.0 and other modules. "HttpRequest, HttpUpload, Soap, OAUTH2.0" are supported.
Provide CryptoJS, provide AES/DES/RC4/Rabbit/pbkdf2/ripemd160 and other algorithms. CryptoJSissupported.
Built-in Json parsing and construction. Json2isbuilt-in.YoucanuseittoparseorstringifyJsondata.
Supports multiple routing methods, including 404, URL, isapi_URLRewrite, and fully customized routing configuration. URLRouteisSupported(404ErrorPage,URLRoute,ISAPI_URIRewrite).
Routing supports REST. RESTisSupported.
Supports class library caching, compilation caching, HTML caching, and database Model caching. LibraryCache,CombinedFileCache,HTMLCacheandModelCache.
Resources are managed and destroyed uniformly, allowing you to focus on business logic processing. Youcanpaymuchmoreattentiononyoubusiness.
Change the way of ASP development! ! ! GetyourASP!!!
DEBUG support, you can view the source line of the error after turning on DEBUG mode;
Similar to the nodejs module loading method, it also provides a more flexible usage method. Core modules are loaded on demand to improve loading speed;
Optimize the template engine and make template writing more friendly;
Provides rich module support, including Zip compression, Gzip compression, tar packaging, xml packaging, verification code (multiple fonts), QRCode, new ASPCookie mechanism, etc.
Unified exception management, you can set the corresponding ERROR_REPORTING to decide which exceptions to display;
Only the entry files and core files are retained, and other modules are loaded dynamically (for safety, all files except the entry files and core files can be placed in non-web directories);
Commonly used modules (Model__, cookie, mpi, tar, base64, dump, JSON, VBS, etc.) are delayed loaded, and the module is automatically loaded when the program calls related methods.