Introduction to PlugNTMVC
ASP.NET has good scalability due to its pipeline design, and the entire ASP.NETMVC application framework is implemented by extending ASP.NET. We know that the extension points of ASP.NET only need to be reflected in the two HttpMoudle and HttpHandler On top of the core components, in fact the entire ASP.NETMVC framework is implemented through customized HttpMoudle (UrlRoutingModule) and HttpHandler (MvcHandler). PlugNTMVC is a pseudo-MVC application pattern development framework based on the Asp.NetWeb platform, mainly used for Web rapid development.
License Agreement: ApacheLicense, free for commercial use
[Framework includes]
1. Persistence layer framework PlugNTORM
2. Web development framework PlugNTMVC
3. Simple and practical customized permission system
4. Lightweight template engine RazorEngine
5. BootStrap, a simple, intuitive, powerful, mobile-first front-end development framework
6. Lightweight Json parser LitJson.JsonMapper
7. Simple front-end js library plugnt.common.js
[Features of PlugNTMVC]
1. Simple and light, the entire framework is built by backend (IHttpHandler+RazorEngine) and frontend+(jquery+bootstrp), and there is no need to configure routing.
2. Never over-design, simple, easy to learn and easy to use is the positioning of this framework.
3. Simple and light, supports sqlserver/mysql/access and other databases, and supports multiple database connections
4. Complete separation of view logic and view templates
5. The template engine is simple and easy to use, and the syntax is basically the same as native C#.
[Functions that the PlugNTMVC framework cannot do]
Using PlugNTORM can handle more than 99% of data operations, but for the other 1% of complex queries, such as some multi-table joint table retrieval, PlugNTORM is not good at it (in fact, no ORM is good at complex queries). At this time, you can use the DbHelper class directly or combine it with the DbHelper class to operate