Simple office automation management YCC V1.0 source code description:
1. The source code features can be used for beginners to learn from and can also be used for course design.
2. Function introduction The development of a relatively complete Web-based office automation management system can provide users with a faster operating platform, which can effectively manage daily work and make reasonable budgets for the future, while saving costs. Get higher returns. This system makes office work closer to paperless office and also improves office efficiency to a great extent.
Key features include:
1. Login and quick registration;
2. Meeting management: publish meetings, view pending meetings and held meetings, and delete meeting records;
3. Vehicle management: adding, modifying and deleting vehicle information;
4. Employee management, department management, address book management, news management, and motto management.
3. Precautions
1. The default username and password are: 16aspx.
2. The development environment is VisualStudio2010, the database is SQLServer2008R2, and the database file is in the DB_16aspx folder