1. This program does not require database support, is compatible with and adapts to all mainstream browsers (PC and mobile), and uses the method of writing PATH_UPLOAD/xxx.conf files for file life cycle recording and configuration.
2. The operating environment is php5.xphp7.x (there is no problem in theory with higher or lower versions).
3. Supports browser drag-and-drop uploading, which can be used to privately transfer files between colleagues on the corporate intranet.
4. Why does the code need to be encrypted? I don’t want to explain this.
FSS private file sharing and delivery tool program installation and configuration instructions
(1)Program configuration file/config.php.
(2) PATH_UPLOAD specifies the file upload path (default/upload directory), which requires read and write permissions. (The program does not limit file upload types. For system security, please be sure to adjust this path to a non-website path)
(3) LOG_PATH specifies the log path (default/log), LOG_OPEN specifies whether to start the logging function, and this directory requires read and write permissions. (For system security, please be sure to adjust this path to a non-website path)
(4) The maximum supported size for program upload depends on php.ini (this example uses 50M as a reference)
(5) If you use nginx, you need to add it to the http part in nginx.conf
(6)SITE_URL specifies the website access path.
(7) FILE_RETAIN_DAYS specifies the file life cycle in days. After expiration, the file will be automatically deleted when called. For batch expired deletion, it is triggered when new files are uploaded. Of course, you can also delete it manually.
(8) API_KEYID (public key) API_SECRET (private key) file signature. This value can be modified arbitrarily and is used to prevent hot links. The generated real download link has a life cycle of 600 seconds.
1. You can specify the log file path.
2. Add the running environment detection function.
3. Configurable file retention days or permanent storage.
4. Add a signature function to the file download link to prevent hot links.
5. Add password function to file download.
6. Increase the display of file download times.