Description of WYF library management system :
(1) The system has two identities: administrator and reader.
(2) Readers are divided into two levels, one is VIP readers and general readers, and the number of borrowed books, number of borrowing days, and number of renewal days are stipulated for each type.
(3) The administrator has four functions on the main interface of the library: book management, reader management, borrowing management, and personal password modification.
1) Book management: add book categories, book category management, add book information, and book information management.
2) Reader management: add reader information and manage reader information.
3) Borrowing management: book borrowing, book return, overdue borrowing statistics.
4) Readers have three functions on the main interface of the library: book information query, borrowing information query, borrowing history and personal password modification.
The default login name and password are admin