All functions are completely free and open, including image uploading, data collection, image and text editing, price announcements and other functions to enhance the image of your restaurant and let more people know about your restaurant!
Backend directory:admin
Administrator username and password:admin
1. Set your site properties, name and URL: website name and website address; introduction and copyright: site introduction and copyright information.
2. Improve the backend functions: website column setting, content addition, voting management, message management, friendly connection management, uploaded file management, system settings, database management and other functions.
3. Level 2 classification can be added to article information and product display.
4. Comes with message board function. View and modify user's messages in the background, and reply to messages.
Welcome to discuss website construction business. If you purchase Xinyi Software, we will give you a complete website including domain name and space. We will adjust all website settings. With your support, we will do better!
We do not provide technical support for customers who are not our customers. If you are a self-user, please keep the URL link on our webpage.