yudao-cloud is a Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice architecture based on ruoyi-vue-pro. The backend management system + user applet implemented based on Spring Cloud Alibaba + Gateway + Nacos + RocketMQ + Vue & Element supports RBAC dynamic permissions, multi-tenancy, data permissions, workflow, three-party login, payment, SMS, mall and other functions.
technology stack
rear end
Application development framework: Spring Boot 2.1.4
Database server: MySQL 5.6
JDBC connection pool, monitoring component: Druid 1.1.16
Data persistence layer framework: MyBatis 3.5.1
Mybatis enhancement toolkit: MyBatis-Plus 3.1.1
Key-value database: Redis has not been introduced yet. After the stress test, some modules
Redis client: Redisson has not been introduced yet. Some modules will be released after the stress test.
Distributed search engine: Elasticsearch 6.7.1
Distributed RPC service framework: Duadfdso 2.7.1
Message middleware: RocketMQ 4.3.2
Distributed transaction middleware: Seata 0.5.1
Distributed system coordination: Zookeeper 3.4.9 as a registration center
Distributed task scheduling platform: XXL-Job 2.0.1
API documentation: springfox-swagger2 2.9.2
Swagger enhanced UI implementation: swagger-bootstrap-ui 1.9.3
front end
Mall H5
JavaScript framework: Vue 2.5.17
Vue UI component library: Vant 3.13.0
Management background
JavaScript framework: Vue 2.5.17
Backend front-end solution: Vue Element Admin
Generally speaking, there are three ways to monitor
1. Tracing, we use Apache SkyWalking
2. Logging, we use ELK
3. Metrics, we use Prometheus
Distributed application tracking system: SkyWalking 6.0.0
Service monitoring system: Prometheus 2.9.2
Alert manager: Alertmanager 0.17.0
Dashboard and graph editor: Grafana 0.17.0
The functional diagram does not absolutely correspond to the actual back-end module split.