linjiashop is a web mall system based on Spring Boot and Vue.js. Linjiashop includes the backend management system of the mall, mobile h5 and small programs.
linjiashop includes back-end management functions and mobile mall business functions
Basic module
Department management
User management
role management
Menu management
Permission assignment
Parameter management
Data dictionary management
Scheduled task management
Operation log
Login log
cms content management
Message management: configure message templates, send text messages, and email messages
Code generation based on idea plug-in
Mall function
Member management
Product Category
Product management
Order management
shopping cart
banner management
favorite list
Mobile version - complete shopping mall shopping functions
Technology selection
Core framework: Spring Boot
Database layer: Spring data jpa
Database connection pool: Druid
Cache: Ehcache
Front-end: The background management is based on element, and the mobile interface is based on vant.
Catalog description
linjiashop-admin front-end web page for PC backend management
linjiashop-admin-api PC-side background management api service
The front-end webpage of linjiashop-mobile mobile mall
linjiashop-mobile-api mobile mall api service (h5, small programs, apps all use the api service as the backend interface)
linjiasho-wxapp WeChat Mini Program Mall
linjiashop-core basic module, including tool classes, dao, service, beans, etc.
The linjiashop-generator code generation module generates dao, service, background management controllers and pages based on entities. It works better with the IDEA code generation plug-in webflash-generator. Please read this document carefully before use.
linjiashop mall system update log
Issue Scheduled cancellation of unpaid orders after timeout
Change improves the default harvest address logic
Issue product classification adds secondary classification function
Issue Added the function of scheduled cancellation of unpaid orders after timeout
Fix the problem that users can log in when locked or deleted
Fix After modifying the administrator account, clear the cache
Fix data verification issue when modifying account
Fix the problem of no inventory reduction when submitting an order
Fix the issue where today’s and yesterday’s order records cannot be viewed in the background management of orders in the last 7 days
Fix the problem that inventory cannot be deducted after a successful order is placed
Fix background management modification account data verification problem and old account information caching problem
Fix the problem that the administrator can still log in after the background management is locked and deleted
Fix: Fix the problem of being unable to obtain the real IP address of the client due to the use of reverse proxy software on the front end.