HdhCmsPays Alipay online collection (ASP.NET (C#) version)
This payment function component does not require a database. It can be used after configuring the interface in the Self.Config file and configuring the authorization code in HdhApp.Config.
Demo payment address: http://testpay.hdhcms.com/
This system is a sub-functional module of HDHCMS, which can be used independently and supports Alipay instant payment.
HdhApp.config configuration
HdhPaysSn: configure authorization code
Self.config configures payment interface information
Node: Configure the interface information of Alipay instant payment and fill in as required
"notify_url":"http://testpay.hdhcms.com/notify_url.aspx", [Just modify the previous domain name currently visited]
"return_url":"http://testpay.hdhcms.com/return_url.aspx", [Just modify the previous domain name currently visited]
"return_successtoul":"http://testpay.hdhcms.com/index.html",[the page to be displayed after the payment is successful]
"return_failedtorl":"http://testpay.hdhcms.com/index.html",[Page to be displayed after payment fails]