Installation instructions
Unzip the compressed package file to your server and upload it to the website root directory.
The default management login address is: /Login.aspx
Default account password: user:admin, pwd:admin168
Function description
Content publishing
|----General articles
|----Photo album (the display method highlights the photo album and can be used as a photo album)
|----Page (independent page, will not display links in the default list, nor does it exist in the archive, it can be displayed through the navigation menu function, for example: display personal files)
|----Content status is divided into: published, draft box, recycle bin
The content being edited and published can be temporarily saved in the draft box
Content that is not yet determined to be completely deleted but not displayed to visitors can be temporarily saved in the Recycle Bin
|----Text code syntax highlighting, implemented using the jquery.snippet component
|----The text editor uses KindEditor, adds More Tag and PageBreak Tag, and performs special processing.
More Tag is used as an article summary separator.
PageBreakTag serves as a text paging function (if the text is long and you want to display it on multiple pages, you can use this tag)
--Archive (by year and month)
--Search function (fuzzy search by title/text/tag)
--Navigation menu (you can customize the menu links on the main navigation and other sub-navigation menu links)
--Website LOGO and Favorite Icon upload function
--Plug-in code embedding function (currently only supports fixing a few positions, such as the plug-in code of comments)
--Single management account (no complex permission management, only supports single administrator)
--Space settings (basic settings such as website name and title)
--JS+CSS quick skin change