! note readme is yet to be updated
A Quart-based API for downloading YouTube videos and audio, retrieving video metadata, and handling captions. This API allows you to interact with YouTube content programmatically, leveraging background tasks to manage temporary files and provide efficient downloads.
Download Videos and Audio: Retrieve content with specified resolutions and bitrates.
Retrieve Video Metadata: Get details such as title, views, and channel information.
Handle Captions: Fetch and save captions in SRT format.
Check Storage: Ensure sufficient storage space before downloading.
Python 3.7+
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/DannyAkintunde/YouTube-dl-apicd Youtube-dl-api
Run the Installation Script
Execute the install.sh
script to install Python dependencies and system packages:
chmod +x install.sh ./install.sh
This script will:
Install Python dependencies listed in requirements.txt
Update the package list
Install FFmpeg
Verify the FFmpeg installation
Adjust configuration settings in the settings.py
: Enable or disable debug mode (default: True
: Configure proxies in the format of http_proxy,https_proxy.
: Configure authentication (default: False
: Token for accessing protected resources (required if AUTH
is True
: Token for refreshing access (required if AUTH
is True
: Expiration time for the access token (required if AUTH
is True
: Data for visitor tracking (required if AUTH
is True
: Token for purchase orders (required if AUTH
is True
: Maximum file size for downloads (default: 2 GiB
: Maximum number of video search results (default: 25
: Minimum number of video search results (default: 2
: Default number of video search results (default: 20
: Delay for expiring temporary files (default: 1800 seconds
: Directory for storing temporary files (default: 'temp_files'
: Path to save authentication file (default: 'auth'
: Name of the authentication file (default: 'temp.json'
: List of video and audio codecs to use (default: 'avc1,aac'
GET /ping
Description: Checks the API status.
{ "message": "pong"}
200 OK
: {"message": "pong"}
GET /search
Description: Searches for YouTube videos based on a query.
Query Parameters:
or query
: Search query.
Example Request:
GET /search?q=python+tutorial
Example Response:
{ { "lenght": 20, "results": [ { "accessibility": {"duration": "6 hours, 14 minutes, 7 seconds","title": "Python Tutorial - Python Full Course for Beginners by Programming with Mosh 41,059,791 views 5 years ago 6 hours, 14 minutes" }, "channel": {"id": "UCWv7vMbMWH4-V0ZXdmDpPBA","link": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWv7vMbMWH4-V0ZXdmDpPBA","name": "Programming with Mosh","thumbnails": [ {"height": 68,"url": "https://yt3.ggpht.com/lCeCb47hCbXWFa0I4gi8uWDHzWSs7sjK4FDmk7lFEUMRNp6QRzIQOkwaKhwv7eNKZacRI2uR=s68-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj","width": 68 } ] }, "descriptionSnippet": [ { "text": "Become a "}, { "bold": true, "text": "Python"}, { "text": " pro! This comprehensive "}, { "bold": true, "text": "tutorial"}, { "text": " takes you from beginner to hero, covering the basics, machine learning, and ..."} ], "duration": "6:14:07", "id": "_uQrJ0TkZlc", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uQrJ0TkZlc", "publishedTime": "5 years ago", "richThumbnail": {"height": 180,"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/an_webp/_uQrJ0TkZlc/mqdefault_6s.webp?du=3000&sqp=CLf547cG&rs=AOn4CLCAcnB5okiLttIEMkLM9bb-3w28AQ","width": 320 }, "shelfTitle": null, "thumbnails": [ { "height": 202, "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_uQrJ0TkZlc/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCOgCEMoBSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLCQfkbApoaN-_QBOuiyHzWJOiziEA", "width": 360}, { "height": 404, "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_uQrJ0TkZlc/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCNAFEJQDSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLCpUFKfUMVNbg8mqTcZ8UdSUjpilw", "width": 720} ], "title": "Python Tutorial - Python Full Course for Beginners", "type": "video", "viewCount": {"short": "41M views","text": "41,059,791 views" } }//...more results here ], "search": "python tutorial", "search_id": "00b5a31c-30d7-4d96-92e5-42b871062bca", "search_suggestions": ["python tutorial","python tutorial for beginners","python tutorial 2024" ] }
200 OK
: Search results.
400 Bad Request
: Missing or invalid query parameter.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
GET /info
Description: Retrieves metadata for a YouTube video.
Query Parameters:
: The URL of the YouTube video.
Example Request:
GET /info?url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Example Response:
{ "author": "Rick Astley", "bitrates": ["160kbps","128kbps","70kbps","50kbps" ], "channel_id": "UCuAXFkgsw1L7xaCfnd5JJOw", "channel_url": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAXFkgsw1L7xaCfnd5JJOw", "description": "The official video for “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. nnThe new album 'Are We There Yet?' is out now: Download here: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/AreWeThereYetFA/itunesnn“Never Gonna Give You Up” was a global smash on its release in July 1987, topping the charts in 25 countries including Rick’s native UK and the US Billboard Hot 100. It also won the Brit Award for Best single in 1988. Stock Aitken and Waterman wrote and produced the track which was the lead-off single and lead track from Rick’s debut LP “Whenever You Need Somebody”. The album was itself a UK number one and would go on to sell over 15 million copies worldwide.nnThe legendary video was directed by Simon West – who later went on to make Hollywood blockbusters such as Con Air, Lara Croft – Tomb Raider and The Expendables 2. The video passed the 1bn YouTube views milestone on 28 July 2021.nnSubscribe to the official Rick Astley YouTube channel: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/YTSubIDnnFollow Rick Astley:nFacebook: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/FBFollowID nTwitter: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/TwitterID nInstagram: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/InstagramID nWebsite: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/storeID nTikTok: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/TikTokIDnnListen to Rick Astley:nSpotify: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/SpotifyID nApple Music: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/AppleMusicID nAmazon Music: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/AmazonMusicID nDeezer: https://RickAstley.lnk.to/DeezerID nnLyrics:nWe’re no strangers to lovenYou know the rules and so do InA full commitment’s what I’m thinking ofnYou wouldn’t get this from any other guynnI just wanna tell you how I’m feelingnGotta make you understandnnNever gonna give you upnNever gonna let you downnNever gonna run around and desert younNever gonna make you crynNever gonna say goodbyenNever gonna tell a lie and hurt younnWe’ve known each other for so longnYour heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say itnInside we both know what’s been going onnWe know the game and we’re gonna play itnnAnd if you ask me how I’m feelingnDon’t tell me you’re too blind to seennNever gonna give you upnNever gonna let you downnNever gonna run around and desert younNever gonna make you crynNever gonna say goodbyenNever gonna tell a lie and hurt younn#RickAstley #NeverGonnaGiveYouUp #WheneverYouNeedSomebody #OfficialMusicVideo", "id": "dQw4w9WgXcQ", "keywords": ["rick astley","Never Gonna Give You Up","nggyu","never gonna give you up lyrics","rick rolled","Rick Roll","rick astley official","rickrolled","Fortnite song","Fortnite event","Fortnite dance","fortnite never gonna give you up","rick roll","rickrolling","rick rolling","never gonna give you up","80s music","rick astley new","animated video","rickroll","meme songs","never gonna give u up lyrics","Rick Astley 2022","never gonna let you down","animated","rick rolls 2022","never gonna give you up karaoke" ], "length": 212, "publish_date": null, "resolutions": ["1080p","720p","480p","360p","240p","144p" ], "subtitles": ["en"], "thumbnail_url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dQw4w9WgXcQ/maxresdefault.jpg", "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)", "url": {"audio": { "128kbps": "https://rr2---sn-nx5s7n76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1727620629&ei=tBH5ZuXtPK32sfIPmpfRaA&ip=", "160kbps": "https://rr2---sn-nx5s7n76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1727620629&ei=tBH5ZuXtPK32sfIPmpfRaA&ip=", "50kbps": "https://rr2---sn-nx5s7n76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1727620629&ei=tBH5ZuXtPK32sfIPmpfRaA&ip=", "70kbps": "https://rr2---sn-nx5s7n76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1727620629&ei=tBH5ZuXtPK32sfIPmpfRaA&ip=" },"video": { "360p": "https://rr2---sn-nx5s7n76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1727620629&ei=tBH5ZuXtPK32sfIPmpfRaA&ip=" } }, "views": 1576357050, "watch_url": "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"}
200 OK
: Video metadata.
400 Bad Request
: Invalid URL or missing parameter.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
POST /download
Description: Downloads YouTube content with the highest available resolution.
Request Body:
{ "url": "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ", "subtitle": {"burn": true,"lang": "en" }, "link": false}
Example Response (File Download):
If link
is false
The response will be a file download.
If link
is true
{ "download_link": "http://example.com/temp_file/temp_Python_Tutorial_for_Beginners.mp4"}
200 OK
: Download link or file.
400 Bad Request
: Invalid URL or parameters.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
POST /download/<resolution>
Description: Downloads YouTube content with a specified resolution.
Request Body:
{ "url": "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ", "bitrate": "128kbps", "subtitle": {"burn": true,"lang": "en" }, "link": false}
Example Response (File Download):
If link
is false
The response will be a file download.
If link
is true
{ "download_link": "http://example.com/temp_file/temp_Python_Tutorial_360p.mp4"}
200 OK
: Download link or file.
400 Bad Request
: Invalid resolution, bitrate, or URL.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
POST /download_audio
Description: Downloads YouTube audio with the highest quality.
Request Body:
{ "url": "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ", "link": false}
Example Response (File Download):
If link
is false
The response will be a file download.
If link
is true
{ "download_link": "http://example.com/temp_file/temp_Python_Tutorial.mp3"}
200 OK
: Download link or file.
400 Bad Request
: Invalid URL.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
POST /download_audio/<bitrate>
Description: Downloads YouTube audio with a specified bitrate.
Request Body:
{ "url": "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ", "link": false}
Example Response (File Download):
If link
is false
The response will be a file download.
If link
is true
{ "download_link": "http://example.com/temp_file/temp_Python_Tutorial_48kbps.mp3"}
200 OK
: Download link or file.
400 Bad Request
: Invalid bitrate or URL.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
GET /captions/<lang>
Description: Retrieves captions for a YouTube video.
Query Parameters:
: The URL of the YouTube video.
Example Request:
GET /captions/en?url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Example Response:
{ "caption": "usually it's my kids who break stuff andnI'm the one who gets to fix it but whenncorrosion in my DIY pool water cooling", "caption_json": [ { "duration": 5.679, "start": 0.12, "text": "usually it's my kids who break stuff and"}, { "duration": 5.919, "start": 2.72, "text": "I'm the one who gets to fix it but when"}, { "duration": 6.201, "start": 5.799, "text": "corrosion in my DIY pool water cooling"} ], "file": "http://youtube-dl-api.frii.site/temp_file/I%20broke%20my%20son's%20gaming%20PC%20and%20now%20I%E2%80%99m%20making%20him%20fix%20it.srt", "lang": "English (auto-generated)", "lang_code": "en"}
200 OK
: Captions data.
400 Bad Request
: Invalid URL or language code.
500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error.
GET /temp_file/<filename>
Description: Retrieves a temporary file.
: The name of the file.
Example Request:
GET /temp_file/temp_Python_Tutorial_for_Beginners.mp4
Example Response:
If the file exists, the response will be the file download.
If the file does not exist:
{ "error": "File not found"}
200 OK
: File download.
404 Not Found
: File not found.
To run the API, use:
python main.py
Clearing Temporary Files: The application schedules a task to clear temporary files older than 24 hours.
Check app.log
for detailed error messages.
Ensure the TEMP_DIR
has appropriate permissions.
Validate YouTube URLs and parameters in API requests.
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3 License. See the LICENSE
file for details.