Customize Material You colors of your device.
Elevate your creativity with effortless material customization. Instantly tweak colors for a personalized touch in just a few taps.
Features ?
Accent saturation changer
Background saturation changer
Background lightness changer
Pitch black theme in dark mode
Manual color overriding
and many more...
Requirements ?
How to Use ?
Download and install the apk
Allow permissions for the app
Select root or shizuku mode
That's it. Now you are good to go!
Note ?
How does ColorBlendr work without root access?
- ColorBlendr utilizes adb commands to change Material You colors, allowing users to modify these colors without needing root access.
How does ColorBlendr work with root access?
- ColorBlendr leverages the FabricatedOverlay API to dynamically change Material You colors at runtime without creating any permanent files.
Why doesn't ColorBlendr work properly on OneUI?
- OneUI uses its own color palette for system apps, not Material You colors. As a result, ColorBlendr's modifications only affect Google apps and other apps that support Material You, but not OneUI system apps.
How do I properly uninstall ColorBlendr?
- First, disable the ColorBlendr Service from app settings. Then, uninstall the app and reboot your device.
Translation ?
- Assist in translating ColorBlendr into your preferred language through our Crowdin platform. Your contribution will help make ColorBlendr accessible to a wider audience.
Credits ?
- @siavash79 for helping me.
- @fennifith for color picker.