This repository contains the public FTC SDK for the INTO THE DEEP (2024-2025) competition season.
This GitHub repository contains the source code that is used to build an Android app to control a FIRST Tech Challenge competition robot. To use this SDK, download/clone the entire project to your local computer.
To use this Android Studio project, you will need Android Studio 2021.2 (codename Chipmunk) or later.
To program your robot in Blocks or OnBot Java, you do not need Android Studio.
Getting Started
If you are new to robotics or new to the FIRST Tech Challenge, then you should consider reviewing the FTC Blocks Tutorial to get familiar with how to use the control system:
FTC Blocks Online Tutorial
Even if you are an advanced Java programmer, it is helpful to start with the FTC Blocks tutorial, and then migrate to the OnBot Java Tool or to Android Studio afterwards.
Downloading the Project
If you are an Android Studio programmer, there are several ways to download this repo. Note that if you use the Blocks or OnBot Java Tool to program your robot, then you do not need to download this repository.
- If you are a git user, you can clone the most current version of the repository:
git clone
Or, if you prefer, you can use the "Download Zip" button available through the main repository page. Downloading the project as a .ZIP file will keep the size of the download manageable.
You can also download the project folder (as a .zip or .tar.gz archive file) from the Downloads subsection of the Releases page for this repository.
The Releases page also contains prebuilt APKs.
Once you have downloaded and uncompressed (if needed) your folder, you can use Android Studio to import the folder ("Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.)").
Getting Help
User Documentation and Tutorials
FIRST maintains online documentation with information and tutorials on how to use the FIRST Tech Challenge software and robot control system. You can access this documentation using the following link:
FIRST Tech Challenge Documentation
Note that the online documentation is an "evergreen" document that is constantly being updated and edited. It contains the most current information about the FIRST Tech Challenge software and control system.
Javadoc Reference Material
The Javadoc reference documentation for the FTC SDK is now available online. Click on the following link to view the FTC SDK Javadoc documentation as a live website:
FTC Javadoc Documentation
Online User Forum
For technical questions regarding the Control System or the FTC SDK, please visit the FIRST Tech Challenge Community site:
FIRST Tech Challenge Community
Sample OpModes
This project contains a large selection of Sample OpModes (robot code examples) which can be cut and pasted into your /teamcode folder to be used as-is, or modified to suit your team's needs.
Samples Folder: /FtcRobotController/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/robotcontroller/external/samples
The file located in the /TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode folder contains an explanation of the sample naming convention, and instructions on how to copy them to your own project space.
Release Information
Version 10.1 (20240919-122750)
- Adds new OpenCV-based
s (which may be attached to a VisionPortal in either Java or Blocks) to help teams implement color processing via computer vision in the INTO THE DEEP game
implements OpenCV color "blob" detection. A new sample program ConceptVisionColorLocator
demonstrates its use.
- A choice is offered between pre-defined color ranges, or creating a custom one in RGB, HSV, or YCrCb color space
- The ability is provided to restrict detection to a specified Region of Interest on the screen
- Functions for applying erosion / dilation morphing to the threshold mask are provided
- Functions for sorting and filtering the returned data are provided
allows using a region of the camera as a "long range color sensor" to determine the predominant color of that region. A new sample program ConceptVisionColorSensor
demonstrates its use.
- The determined predominant color is selected from a discrete set of color "swatches", similar to the MINDSTORMS NXT color sensor
- Documentation on this Color Processing feature can be found here:
- Added Blocks sample programs for color sensors: RobotAutoDriveToLine and SensorColor.
- Updated Self-Inspect to identify mismatched RC/DS software versions as a "caution" rather than a "failure."
Bug Fixes
- Fixes AngularVelocity conversion regression
Version 10.0 (20240828-111152)
Breaking Changes
- Java classes and Blocks for TensorFlow Object Detection have been removed.
which was of type AngleUnit
has been renamed AngularVelocity.angleUnit
of type UnnormalizedAngleUnit
- Sample for REV Digital Indicator has been added - ConceptRevLED
- Adds support for the Sparkfun QWIIC LED Stick
- To connect it directly, you need this cable
- Adds ConceptLEDStick OpMode
- Adds Blocks for colors black, blue, cyan, dkgray, gray, green, ltgray, magenta, red, white, and yellow.
- Adds an "evaluate but ignore result" Block that executes the connected block and ignores the result. Allows you to call a function and ignore the return value.
- Adds I2C driver for Maxbotix Maxsonar I2CXL sonar rangefinder
- Adds Blocks for setPwmEnable, setPwmDisable, and isPwmEnabled for servos and CR servos.
- In the Blocks editor: a n in the ExportToBlocks annotation's comment field is displayed as a line break.
- Telemetry has new method setNumDecimalPlaces
- Telemetry now formats doubles and floats (not inside objects, just by themselves)
- Adds support for the Limelight 3A.
- Adds initial support for the REV Servo Hub
- Both the Robot Controller and Driver Station need to be updated to version 10.0 in order for Servo Hubs to be
configurable as Servo Hubs. If the app on either device is outdated, the Servo Hub will show up as an Expansion Hub,
and some functionality will not work as expected. You should wait to create a configuration that includes a Servo Hub
until both the Driver Station and Robot Controller apps have been updated to version 10.0.
- Updating the Servo Hub's firmware and changing its address can only be done using the REV Hardware Client at this time
- Adds support for the REV 9-Axis IMU (REV-31-3332)
- The REV 9-Axis IMU is only supported by the Universal IMU interface
- Adds
Java class.
- If you mentally substitute this IMU's I2C port for the Control Hub's USB ports,
is also compatible with this sensor
- Adds Blocks for Rev9AxisImuOrientationOnRobot, including RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.xyzOrientation and RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.zyxOrientation.
- Adds Blocks samples SensorRev9AxisIMUOrthogonal and SensorRev9AxisIMUNonOrthogonal.
- Improves Blocks support for RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.
- Adds Blocks for RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.xyzOrientation and RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.zyxOrientation.
- Adds Blocks samples SensorHubIMUOrthogonal (replaces SensorIMU) and SensorHubIMUNonOrthogonal.
- Updates EasyOpenCV, AprilTag, OpenCV, and
- Adds Blocks for max and min that take two numbers.
- Adds Blocks OpModes ConceptRevSPARKMini, RobotAutoDriveByEncoder, RobotAutoDriveByGyro, RobotAutoDriveByTime, RobotAutoDriveToAprilTagOmni, and RobotAutoDriveToAprilTagTank.
- Two OpModes with the same name now automatically get renamed with the name followed by a "-" and the class name allowing them to both be on the device.
- Shows the name of the active configuration on the Manage page of the Robot Controller Console
- Updated AprilTag Library for INTO THE DEEP. Notably,
now returns INTO THE DEEP tags.
- Adds Blocks for Telemetry.setMsTransmissionInterval and Telemetry.getMsTransmissionInterval.
- Adds Blocks sample SensorOctoQuad.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where the RevBlinkinLedDriver Blocks were under Actuators in the Blocks editor toolbox. They are now Other Devices.
- Fixes a bug where
s thrown in user code after a stop was requested by the Driver Station would be silently eaten
- Fixed a bug where if you asked for
in a unit different than the device reported it in, it would normalize it between -PI and PI for radians, and -180 and 180 for degrees.
Version 9.2 (20240701-085519)
Important Notes
- Java classes and Blocks for TensorFlow Object Detection have been deprecated and will be removed in Version 10.0.
- The samples that use TensorFlow Object Detection have been removed.
- Adds explanatory text to failed items on the inspection activities. To view the explanatory text tap the red warning icon for a failed item.
- In the Blocks editor: added a new kind of variable set block that sets the variable and also returns the new value.
- Changes the way that camera controls behave for a SwitchableCamera. Now, each method (such as getExposure, getMinExposure, getMaxExposure, setExposure for ExposureControl) acts on the currently active camera.
- Adds support for the REV USB PS4 Compatible Gamepad (REV-31-2983)
- Adds ConceptAprilTagMultiPortal OpMode
- Adds support for OctoQuad Quadrature Encoder & Pulse Width Interface Module
- Adds the ExportAprilTagLibraryToBlocks annotation that indicates that a static method that returns an AprilTagLibrary is exported to the Blocks programming environment. The corresponding block will appear in the Blocks toolbox along with the built-in tag libraries.
- Adds Blocks OpMode ConceptAprilTagOptimizeExposure.
- Adds support for the SparkFun Optical Tracking Odometry sensor.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes #942 where visionPortal.close() can cause an IndexOutOfBoundsError.
- Fixes a bug in the blocks editor where collapsed function blocks show a warning "Collapsed blocks contain warnings." when the Blocks OpMode is reopened.
- Fixes a bug where the blocks editor wouldn't warn you that you have unsaved changes when you try to leave. This bug was introduced due to a behavior change in Chrome 119.
- Issue #764 - Get gain control returns a null pointer for a switchable camera
- Fixes a bug where the correct deadzone for certain gamepads was not applied when Advanced Gamepad Features was enabled
Version 9.1 (20240215-115542)
- Fixes a problem with Blocks: if the user closes a Block's warning balloon, it will still be closed next time the project is opened in the Blocks editor.
- In the Blocks editor, an alert concerning missing hardware devices is not shown if all the Blocks that use the missing hardware devices are disabled.
- Adds Blocks to support comparing property values CRServo.Direction, DCMotor.Direction, DCMotor.Mode, DCMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior, DigitalChannel.Mode, GyroSensor.HeadingMode, IrSeekerSensor.Mode, and Servo.Direction, to the corresponding enum Block.
- Improves OnBotJava auto-import to correctly import classes when used in certain situations.
- Improves OnBotJava autocomplete to provide better completion options in most cases.
- This fixes an issue where autocomplete would fail if a method with two or more formal parameters was defined.
- In OnBotJava, code folding support was added to expand and collapse code sections
- In OnBotJava, the copyright header is now automatically collapsed loading new files
- For all Blocks OpMode samples, intro comments have been moved to the RunOpMode comment balloon.
- The Clean up Blocks command in the Blocks editor now positions function Blocks so their comment balloons don't overlap other function Blocks.
- Added Blocks OpMode sample SensorTouch.
- Added Java OpMode sample SensorDigitalTouch.
- Several improvements to VisionPortal
- Adds option to control whether the stream is automatically started following a
call on a VisionPortal Builder
- Adds option to control whether the vision processing statistics overlay is rendered or not
- VisionPortals now implement the
interface, allowing multiportal users to select which portal is routed to the DS in INIT by calling CameraStreamServer.getInstance().setSource(visionPortal). Can be selected via gamepad, between Camera Stream sessions.
- Add option to
to suppress calibration warnings
- Improves camera calibration warnings
- If a calibration is scaled, the resolution it was scaled from will be listed
- If calibrations exist with the wrong aspect ratio, the calibrated resolutions will be listed
- Fixes race condition which caused app crash when calling
immediately followed by close()
on a VisionPortal
- Fixes IllegalStateException when calling
immediately after building a VisionPortal
- Added FTC Blocks counterparts to new Java methods:
- VisionPortal.Builder.setAutoStartStreamOnBuild
- VisionPortal.Builder.setShowStatsOverlay
- AprilTagProcessor.Builder.setSuppressCalibrationWarnings
- CameraStreamServer.setSource
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a problem where OnBotJava does not apply font size settings to the editor.
- Updates EasyOpenCV dependency to v1.7.1
- Fixes inability to use EasyOpenCV CameraFactory in OnBotJava
- Fixes entire RC app crash when user pipeline throws an exception
- Fixes entire RC app crash when user user canvas annotator throws an exception
- Use the modern stacktrace display when handling user exceptions instead of the legacy ESTOP telemetry message
Version 9.0.1 (20230929-083754)
- Updates AprilTag samples to include Decimation and additional Comments. Also corrects misleading tag ID warnings
- Increases maximum size of Blocks inline comments to 140 characters
- Adds Blocks sample BasicOmniOpMode.
- Updated CENTERSTAGE library AprilTag orientation quaternions
- Updated Java Sample to include missing elements needed for custom model support.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a problem where after October 1 the Driver Station will report as obsolete on v9.0 and prompt the user to update.
Version 9.0 (20230830-154348)
Breaking Changes
- Removes Vuforia
- Fields in
and AprilTagPose(ftc/raw)
objects are now final
- VisionPortal builder method
has been renamed to setLiveViewContainerId()
and enableCameraMonitoring()
has been renamed to enableLiveView()
- Adds support for the DFRobot HuskyLens Vision Sensor.
- Blocks teams can now perform webcam calibration.
- Added a Block for System.currentTimeMillis (under Utilities/Time)
- Added a Block for VisionPortal.saveNextFrameRaw (under Vision/VisionPortal)
- Added a new sample Blocks OpMode called UtilityCameraFrameCapture.
- The RobotDriveByGyro sample has been updated to use the new universal IMU interface. It now supports both IMU types.
- Removed some error-prone ElapsedTime Blocks from the Blocks editor's toolbox. This is not a
breaking change: old Blocks OpModes that use these Blocks will still function, both in the
Blocks editor and at runtime.
- Standardizes on the form "OpMode" for the term OpMode.
- The preferred way to refer to OpModes that specifically extend
(including Blocks OpModes) is "linear OpMode".
- The preferred way to refer to OpModes that specifically extend
directly is "iterative OpMode".
- Overhauls
and LinearOpMode
Javadoc comments to be easier to read and include more detail.
- Makes minor enhancements to Java samples
- Javadoc comments in samples that could be rendered badly in Android Studio have been converted to standard multi-line comments
- Consistency between samples has been improved
- The SensorDigitalTouch sample has been replaced with a new SensorTouch sample that uses the
interface instead of DigitalChannel
- The ConceptCompassCalibration, SensorMRCompass, and SensorMRIRSeeker samples have been deleted, as they are not useful for modern FTC competitions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug which prevented PlayStation gamepads from being used in bluetooth mode. Bluetooth is NOT legal for competition but may be useful to allow a DS device to be used while charging, or at an outreach event.
- Fixes a bug where a Blocks OpMode's Date Modified value can change to December 31, 1969, if the Control Hub is rebooted while the Blocks OpMode is being edited.
- Fixes the automatic TeleOp preselection feature (was broken in 8.2)
- Fixes a bug where passing an integer number such as 123 to the Telemetry.addData block that takes a number shows up as 123.0 in the telemetry.
- Fixes OnBotJava autocomplete issues:
- Autocomplete would incorrectly provide values for the current class when autocompleting a local variable
autocomplete would incorrectly include lambda class entries
- Fixes OnBotJava not automatically importing classes.
- Fixes OnBotJava tabs failing to close when their file is deleted.
- Fixes a project view refresh not happening when a file is renamed in OnBotJava.
- Fixes the "Download" context menu item for external libraries in the OnBotJava interface.
- Fixes issue where Driver Station telemetry would intermittently freeze when set to Monospace mode.
- Fixes performance regression for certain REV Hub operations that was introduced in version 8.2.
- Fixes TagID comparison logic in DriveToTag samples.
Version 8.2 (20230707-131020)
Breaking Changes
- Non-linear (iterative) OpModes are no longer allowed to manipulate actuators in their
method. Attempts to do so will be ignored and logged.
- When an OpMode attempts to illegally manipulate an actuator, the Robot Controller will print a log message
including the text
- Additionally, LinearOpModes are no longer able to regain the ability to manipulate actuators by removing their
thread's interrupt or using another thread.
- Removes support for Android version 6.0 (Marshmallow). The minSdkVersion is now 24.
- Increases the Robocol version.
- This means an 8.2 or later Robot Controller or Driver Station will not be able to communicate with an 8.1 or earlier Driver Station or Robot Controller.
- If you forget to update both apps at the same time, an error message will be shown explaining which app is older and should be updated.
- FTC_FieldCoordinateSystemDefinition.pdf has been moved. It is still in the git history, but has been removed from the git snapshot corresponding with the 8.2 tag. The official version now lives at Field Coordinate System.
and LynxUsbDevice.getConfiguredModule()
have been replaced with LynxUsbDevice.getOrAddModule()
- Old Blocks for Vuforia and TensorFlow Object Detection are obsolete and have been removed from the
Blocks editor's toolbox. Existing Blocks OpModes that contain the old Blocks for Vuforia or
TensorFlow Object Detection can be opened in the Blocks editor, but running them will not work.
New features
- Adds new
API for computer vision
- This API may be subject to change for final kickoff release!
- Several new samples added.
- Adds support for detecting AprilTags.
is the new entry point for both AprilTag and TFOD processing.
- Vuforia will be removed in a future release.
- Updated TensorFlow dependencies.
- Added support for webcam camera controls to blocks.
- The Blocks editor's toolbox now has a Vision category, directly above the Utilities category.
- Related documentation for associated technologies can be found at
- AprilTag Introduction
- AprilTag SDK Guide
- AprilTag Detection Values
- AprilTag Test Images
- Camera Calibration
- Adds Driver Station support for Logitech Dual Action and Sony PS5 DualSense gamepads.
- This does not include support for the Sony PS5 DualSense Edge gamepad.
- Always refer to Game Manual 1 to determine gamepad legality in competition.
- Adds support for MJPEG payload streaming to UVC driver (external JPEG decompression routine required for use).
- Shows a hint on the Driver Station UI about how to bind a gamepad when buttons are pressed or the sticks are moved on an unbound gamepad.
- Adds option for fullscreening "Camera Stream" on Driver Station.
- OnBotJava source code is automatically saved as a ZIP file on every build with a rolling window of the last 30 builds kept; allows recovering source code from previous builds if code is accidentally deleted or corrupted.
- Adds support for changing the addresses of Expansion Hubs that are not connected directly via USB.
- The Expansion Hub Address Change screen now has an Apply button that changes the addresses without leaving the screen.
- Addresses that are assigned to other hubs connected to the same USB connection or Control Hub are no longer able to be selected.
- Increases maximum size of Blocks inline comments to 100 characters
- Saves position of open Blocks comment balloons
- Adds new AprilTag Driving samples: RobotDriveToAprilTagTank & RobotDriveToAprilTagOmni
- Adds Sample to illustrate optimizing camera exposure for AprilTags: ConceptAprilTagOptimizeExposure
Bug Fixes
- Corrects inspection screen to report app version using the SDK version defined in the libraries instead of the version specified in
. This corrects the case where the app could show matching versions numbers to the user but still state that the versions did not match.
- If the version specified in
does not match the SDK version, an SDK version entry will be displayed on the Manage webpage.
- Fixes no error being displayed when saving a configuration file with duplicate names from the Driver Station.
- Fixes a deadlock in the UVC driver which manifested in OpenFTC/EasyOpenCV#57.
- Fixes a deadlock in the UVC driver that could occur when hot-plugging cameras.
- Fixes UVC driver compatibility with Arducam OV9281 global shutter camera.
- Fixes Emergency Stop condition when an OnBotJava build with duplicate OpMode names occurs.
- Fixes known causes of "Attempted use of a closed LynxModule instance" logspam.
- Fixes the visual identification LED pattern when configuring Expansion Hubs connected via RS-485.
Version 8.1.1 (20221201-150726)
This is a bug fix only release to address the following four issues.
- Issue #492 - Can't create new blocks opmodes.
- Issue #495 - Remove the final modifier from the OpMode's Telemetry object.
- Issue #500 - Some devices cannot be configured when the Driver Station app has been updated to 8.1
- Updating either the Robot Controller app or the Driver Station app to 8.1.1 or later will fix this issue.
- The Modern Robotics touch sensor was configurable as a Digital Device. It can only be used as an Analog Device.
Version 8.1 (20221121-115119)
Breaking Changes
- Deprecates the
fields msStuckDetectInit
, msStuckDetectInitLoop
, msStuckDetectStart
, msStuckDetectLoop
, and msStuckDetectStop
- OpModes no longer have a time limit for
, init_loop()
, start()
or loop()
, so the fields corresponding to those methods are no longer used.
still has a time limit, but it is now hardcoded to be 1 second, and cannot be changed using msStuckDetectStop
- Deprecates the
methods internalPreInit()
, internalPostInitLoop()
, and internalPostLoop()
- Iterative
s will continue to call these methods in case they were overridden.
- These methods will not be called at all for
- Deprecates (and stops respecting)
- Adds a new
interface to Blocks and Java that can be used with both the original BNO055 IMU
included in all older Control Hubs and Expansion Hubs, and the new alternative BHI260AP IMU.
- You can determine which type of IMU is in your Control Hub by navigating to the Manage page of the web interface.
- To learn how to use the new
interface, see The SensorIMU
Blocks sample was also updated to use the new IMU
interface, and the following Java samples were added:
- Use this sample if your REV Hub is mounted so that it is parallel or perpendicular to the
bottom of your robot.
- Use this sample if your REV Hub is mounted to your robot in any other orientation
- This OpMode is a tool to help you understand how the orthogonal orientations work, and
which one applies to your robot.
- The BHI260AP IMU can only be accessed via the new
interface. The BNO055 IMU can be
programmed using the new IMU
interface, or you can continue to program it using the old BNO055IMU
interface. If you want to be able to quickly switch to a new Control Hub that may contain the
BHI260AP IMU, you should migrate your code to use the new IMU
- Unlike the old
interface, which only worked correctly when the REV Hub was mounted flat
on your robot, the IMU
interface allows you to specify the orientation of the REV Hub on your
robot. It will account for this, and give you your orientation in a Robot Coordinate System,
instead of a special coordinate system for the REV Hub. As a result, your pitch and yaw will be
0 when your robot is level, instead of when the REV Hub is level, which will result in much
more reliable orientation angle values for most mounting orientations.
- Because of the new robot-centric coordinate system, the pitch and roll angles returned by the
interface will be different from the ones returned by the BNO055IMU
interface. When you are
migrating your code, pay careful attention to the documentation.
- If you have calibrated your BNO055, you can provide that calibration data to the new
interface by passing a BNO055IMUNew.Parameters
instance to IMU.initialize()
- The
interface is also suitable for implementation by third-party vendors for IMUs that
support providing the orientation in the form of a quaternion.
- Iterative
s (as opposed to LinearOpMode
s) now run on a dedicated thread.
- Cycle times should not be as impacted by everything else going on in the system.
- Slow
s can no longer increase the amount of time it takes to process network commands, and vice versa.
- The
, init_loop()
, start()
and loop()
methods no longer need to return within a certain time frame.
- BNO055 IMU legacy driver: restores the ability to initialize in one OpMode, and then have another OpMode re-use that
initialization. This allows you to maintain the 0-yaw position between OpModes, if desired.
- Allows customized versions of device drivers in the FTC SDK to use the same XML tag.
- Before, if you wanted to customize a device driver, you had to copy it to a new class and give
it a new XML tag. Giving it a new XML tag meant that to switch which driver was being used, you
had to modify your configuration file.
- Now, to use your custom driver, all you have to do is specify your custom driver's class when
. To go back to the original driver, specify the original driver
class. If you specify an interface that is implemented by both the original driver and the
custom driver, there is no guarantee about which implementation will be returned.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes accessing the "Manage TensorFlow Lite Models" and "Manage Sounds" links and performing
Blocks and OnBotJava OpMode downloads from the REV Hardware Client.
- Fixes issue where an I2C device driver would be auto-initialized using the parameters assigned in
a previous OpMode run.
- Improves Driver Station popup menu placement in the landscape layout.
- Fixes NullPointerException when attempting to get a non-configured BNO055 IMU in a Blocks OpMode on an RC phone.
- Fixes problem with Blocks if a variable is named
Version 8.0 (20220907-131644)
Breaking Changes
- Increases the Robocol version.
- This means an 8.0 or later Robot Controller or Driver Station will not be able to communicate with a 7.2 or earlier Driver Station or Robot Controller.
- If you forget to update both apps at the same time, an error message will be shown explaining which app is older and should be updated.
- Initializing I2C devices now happens when you retrieve them from the
for the first time.
- Previously, all I2C devices would be initialized before the OpMode even began executing,
whether you were actually going to use them or not. This could result in reduced performance and
unnecessary warnings.
- With this change, it is very important for Java users to retrieve all needed devices from the
during the Init phase of the OpMode. Namely, declare a variable for each hardware
device the OpMode will use, and assign a value to each. Do not do this during the Run phase, or your
OpMode may briefly hang while the devices you are retrieving get initialized.
- OpModes that do not use all of the I2C devices specified in the configuration file should take
less time to initialize. OpModes that do use all of the specified I2C devices should take the
same amount of time as previously.
- Fixes issue #251 by changing the order in which axis rotation rates are read from the angular velocity vector in the BNO055 IMU driver.
- Deprecates
in BNO055IMU.Parameters
- Setting
to PitchMode.WINDOWS
would break the coordinate conventions used by the driver.
- Moves
to the com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode
- This breaks third party libraries EasyOpenCV (version 1.5.1 and earlier) and FTC Dashboard (version 0.4.4 and earlier).
- Deletes the deprecated
method resetStartTime()
(use resetRuntime()
- Deletes the protected
class (which was not meant for use by OpModes).
- Removes I2C Device (Synchronous) config type (deprecated since 2018)
- Uncaught exceptions in OpModes no longer require a Restart Robot
- A blue screen popping up with a stacktrace is not an SDK error; this replaces the red text in the telemetry area.
- Since the very first SDK release, OpMode crashes have put the robot into "EMERGENCY STOP" state, only showing the first line of the exception, and requiring the user to press "Restart Robot" to continue
- Exceptions during an OpMode now open a popup window with the same color scheme as the log viewer, containing 15 lines of the exception stacktrace to allow easily tracing down the offending line without needing to connect to view logs over ADB or scroll through large amounts of logs in the log viewer.
- The exception text in the popup window is both zoomable and scrollable just like a webpage.
- Pressing the "OK" button in the popup window will return to the main screen of the Driver Station and allow an OpMode to be run again immediately, without the need to perform a "Restart Robot"
- Adds new Java sample to demonstrate using a hardware class to abstract robot actuators, and share them across multiple OpModes.
- Sample OpMode is
- Abstracted hardware class is
- Updates RobotAutoDriveByGyro_Linear Java sample to use REV Control/Expansion hub IMU.
- Updates Vuforia samples to reference PowerPlay assets and have correct names and field locations of image targets.
- Updates TensorFlow samples to reference PowerPlay assets.
- Adds opt-in support for Java 8 language features to the OnBotJava editor.
- To opt in, open the OnBotJava Settings, and check
Enable beta Java 8 support
- Note that Java 8 code will only compile when the Robot Controller runs Android 7.0 Nougat or later.
- Please report issues here.
- In OnBotJava, clicking on build errors now correctly jumps to the correct location.
- Improves OnBotJava autocomplete behavior, to provide better completion options in most cases.
- Adds a QR code to the Robot Controller Inspection Report when viewed from the Driver Station for scanning by inspectors at competition.
- Improves I2C performance and reliability in some scenarios.
Version 7.2 (20220723-130006)
Breaking Changes
- Updates the build tooling. For Android Studio users, this change requires Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1.
- Removes support for devices that are not competition legal, including Modern Robotics Core Control Modules, the Matrix Controller, and HiTechnic/NXT controllers and sensors. Support remains for Modern Robotics I2C sensors.
- Increases the height of the 3-dots Landscape menu touch area on the Driver Station, making it much easier to select.
- Adds
method to allow OpModes to cleanly self-exit immediately.
- Adds
method to LinearOpMode
to facilitate init-loops. Similar to opModeIsActive()
but for the init phase.
- Warns user if they have a Logitech F310 gamepad connected that is set to DirectInput mode.
- Allows SPARKmini motor controllers to react more quickly to speed changes.
- Hides the version number of incorrectly installed sister app (i.e. DS installed on RC device or vice-versa) on inspection screen.
- Adds support for allowing the user to edit the comment for the runOpMode block.
- Adds parameterDefaultValues field to @ExportToBlocks. This provides the ability for a java method with an @ExportToBlocks annotation to specify default values for method parameters when it is shown in the block editor.
- Make LinearOpMode blocks more readable. The opmode name is displayed on the runOpMode block, but not on the other LinearOpMode blocks.
- Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia.
Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still supported.
- Removes usage of Renderscript.
- Fixes logspam on app startup of repeated stacktraces relating to
"Failed resolution of: Landroid/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager$DeviceInfoListener"
- Allows disabling bluetooth radio from inspection screen
- Improves warning messages when I2C devices are not responding
- Adds support for controlling the RGB LED present on PS4/Etpark gamepads from OpModes
- Removes legacy Pushbot references from OpMode samples. Renames "Pushbot" samples to "Robot". Motor directions reversed to be compatible with "direct Drive" drive train.
Bug fixes
- Fixes issue #316 (MatrixF.inverted() returned an incorrectly-sized matrix for 1x1 and 2x2 matrixes).
- Self inspect now allows for Driver Station and Robot Controller compatibility between point releases.
- Fixes bug where if the same
object instance was queued for multiple gamepads, it
could happen that both rumble commands would be sent to just one gamepad.
- Fixes bug in Driver Station where on the Driver Hub, if Advanced Gamepad Features was disabled and
an officially supported gamepad was connected, then opening the Advanced Gamepad Features or
Gamepad Type Overrides screens would cause the gamepad to be rebound by the custom USB driver even
though advanced gamepad features was disabled.
- Protects against (unlikely) null pointer exception in Vuforia Localizer.
- Harden OnBotJava and Blocks saves to protect against save issues when disconnecting from Program and Manage
- Fixes issue where the RC app would hang if a REV Hub I2C write failed because the previous I2C
operation was still in progress. This hang most commonly occurred during REV 2M Distance Sensor initialization
- Removes sample program. This sample is not compatible with OnBotJava.
- Fixes bug where using html tags in an @ExportToBlocks comment field prevented the blocks editor from loading.
- Fixes blocks editor so it doesn't ask you to save when you haven't modified anything.
- Fixes uploading a very large blocks project to offline blocks editor.
- Fixes bug that caused blocks for DcMotorEx to be omitted from the blocks editor toolbox.
- Fixes Blocks Programs Stripped of Blocks (due to using TensorFlow Label block)
Version 7.1 (20211223-120805)
- Fixes crash when calling
(issue #223).
- Fixes lint error (issue #4).
- Fixes Driver Station crash when attempting to use DualShock4 v1 gamepad with Advanced Gamepad Features enabled (issue #173).
- Fixes possible (but unlikely) Driver Station crash when connecting gamepads of any type.
- Fixes bug where Driver Station would use generic 20% deadzone for Xbox360 and Logitech F310 gamepads when Advanced Gamepad Features was disabled.
- Added SimpleOmniDrive sample OpMode.
- Adds UVC white balance control API.
- Fixes issue #259 Most blocks samples for TensorFlow can't be used for a different model.
- The blocks previously labeled TensorFlowObjectDetectionFreightFrenzy (from the subcategory named "Optimized for Freight Frenzy") and TensorFlowObjectDetectionCustomModel (from the subcategory named "Custom Model") have been replaced with blocks labeled TensorFlowObjectDetection. Blocks in existing opmodes will be automatically updated to the new blocks when opened in the blocks editor.
- Fixes issue #260 Blocks can't call java method that has a VuforiaLocalizer parameter.
- Blocks now has a block labeled VuforiaFreightFrenzy.getVuforiaLocalizer for this.
- Added a page to manage the TensorFlow Lite models in /sdcard/FIRST/tflitemodels. To get to the TFLite Models page:
- You can click on the link at the bottom of the Manage page.
- You can click on the link at the upper-right the Blocks project page.
- Fixes logspam when
is called on a motor not in RTP mode.
- Hides the "RC Password" item on the inspection screen for phone-based Robot Controllers. (It is only applicable for Control Hubs).
- Adds channel 165 to Wi-Fi Direct channel selection menu in the settings screen. (165 was previously available through the web UI, but not locally in the app).
Version 7.0 (20210915-141025)
Enhancements and New Features
- Adds support for external libraries to OnBotJava and Blocks.
- Upload .jar and .aar files in OnBotJava.
- Known limitation - RobotController device must be running Android 7.0 or greater.
- Known limitation - .aar files with assets are not supported.
- External libraries can provide support for hardware devices by using the annotation in the
com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations package.
- External libraries can include .so files for native code.
- External libraries can be used from OnBotJava OpModes.
- External libraries that use the following annotations can be used from Blocks OpModes.
- org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.ExportClassToBlocks
- org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.ExportToBlocks
- External libraries that use the following annotations can add new hardware devices:
- com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.AnalogSensorType
- com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.DeviceProperties
- com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.DigitalIoDeviceType
- com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.I2cDeviceType
- com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.MotorType
- com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.ServoType
- External libraries that use the following annotations can add new functionality to the Robot Controller:
- org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.external.OnCreate
- org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.external.OnCreateEventLoop
- org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.external.OnCreateMenu
- org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.external.OnDestroy
- org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.external.WebHandlerRegistrar
- Adds support for REV Robotics Driver Hub.
- Adds fully custom userspace USB gamepad driver to Driver Station (see "Advanced Gamepad Features" menu in DS settings).
- Allows gamepads to work on devices without native Linux kernel support (e.g. some Romanian Motorola devices).
- Allows the DS to read the unique serial number of each gamepad, enabling auto-recovery of dropped gamepads even if two gamepads of the same model drop. (NOTE: unfortunately this does not apply to Etpark gamepads, because they do not have a unique serial).
- Reading the unique serial number also provides the ability to configure the DS to assign gamepads to a certain position by default (so no need to do start+a/b at all).
- The LED ring on the Xbox360 gamepad and the RGB LED bar on the PS4 gamepad is used to indicate the driver position the gamepad is bound to.
- The rumble motors on the Xbox360, PS4, and Etpark gamepads can be controlled from OpModes.
- The 2-point touchpad on the PS4 gamepad can be read from OpModes.
- The "back" and "guide" buttons on the gamepad can now be safely bound to robot controls (Previously, on many devices, Android would intercept these buttons as home button presses and close the app).
- Advanced Gamepad features are enabled by default, but may be disabled through the settings menu in order to revert to gamepad support provided natively by Android.
- Improves accuracy of ping measurement.
- Fixes issue where the ping time showed as being higher than reality when initially connecting to or restarting the robot.
- To see the full improvement, you must update both the Robot Controller and Driver Station apps.
- Updates samples located at /FtcRobotController/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/robotcontroller/external/samples.
- Added ConceptGamepadRumble and ConceptGamepadTouchpad samples to illustrate the use of these new gampad capabilities.
- Condensed existing Vuforia samples into just 2 samples (ConceptVuforiaFieldNavigation & ConceptVuforiaFieldNavigationWebcam) showing how to determine the robot's location on the field using Vuforia. These both use the current season's Target images.
- Added ConceptVuforiaDriveToTargetWebcam to illustrate an easy way to drive directly to any visible Vuforia target.
- Makes many improvements to the warning system and individual warnings.
- Warnings are now much more spaced out, so that they are easier to read.
- New warnings were added for conditions that should be resolved before competing.
- The mismatched apps warning now uses the major and minor app versions, not the version code.
- The warnings are automatically re-enabled when a Robot Controller app from a new FTC season is installed.
- Adds support for I2C transactions on the Expansion Hub / Control Hub without specifying a register address.
- See section 3 of the TI I2C spec.
- Calling these new methods when using Modern Robotics hardware will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.
- Changes VuforiaLocalizer
method to be public.
- Adds support for TensorFlow v2 object detection models.
- Reduces ambiguity of the Self Inspect language and graphics.
- OnBotJava now warns about potentially unintended file overwrites.
- Improves behavior of the Wi-Fi band and channel selector on the Manage webpage.
Bug fixes
- Fixes Robot Controller app crash on Android 9+ when a Driver Station connects.
- Fixes issue where an OpMode was responsible for calling shutdown on the
TensorFlow TFObjectDetector. Now this is done automatically.
- Fixes Vuforia initialization blocks to allow user to chose AxesOrder. Updated
relevant blocks sample opmodes.
- Fixes FtcRobotController issue #114
LED blocks and Java class do not work.
- Fixes match logging for OpModes that contain special characters in their names.
- Fixes Driver Station OpMode controls becoming unresponsive if the Driver Station was set to the landscape layout and an OnBotJava build was triggered while an OpMode was running.
- Fixes the Driver Station app closing itself when it is switched away from, or the screen is turned off.
- Fixes "black swirl of doom" (Infinite "configuring Wi-Fi Direct" message) on older devices.
- Updates the wiki comment on the OnBotJava intro page.
Version 6.2 (20210218-074821)
- Attempts to automatically fix the condition where a Control Hub's internal Expansion Hub is not
working by re-flashing its firmware
- Makes various improvements to the Wi-Fi Direct pairing screen, especially in landscape mode
- Makes the Robot Controller service no longer be categorically restarted when the main activity is brought to foreground
- (e.g. the service is no longer restarted simply by viewing the Self Inspect screen and pressing the back button)
- It is still restarted if the Settings menu or Configure Robot menu is opened
Bug fixes
- Fixes FtcRobotController issue #71
Cannot open OpModes in v6.1 Blocks offline editor
- Fixes FtcRobotController issue #79
6.1 causes a soft reboot on the Motorola E5 Play
- Fixes issue where the Control Hub OS's watchdog would restart the Robot Controller app if
the Control Hub was not able to communicate with its internal Expansion Hub
- Fixes certain I2C devices not showing up in the appropriate
fields (such as hardwareMap.colorSensor
- Fixes issue where performing a Wi-Fi factory reset on the Control Hub would not set the Wi-Fi band to 2.4 GHz
- Fixes issue where OnBotJava might fail to create a new file if the option to "Setup Code for Configured Hardware" was selected
- Fixes issue where performing certain operations after an OpMode crashes would temporarily break Control/Expansion Hub communication
- Fixes issue where a Control Hub with a configured USB-connected Expansion Hub would not work if the Expansion Hub was missing at startup
- Fixes potential issues caused by having mismatched Control/Expansion Hub firmware versions
- Fixes ftc_app issue 673 Latest matchlog is being deleted instead of old ones by RobotLog
- Fixes ConceptVuforiaUltimateGoalNavigationWebcam sample opmode by correctly orienting camera on robot.
- Fixes issue where logcat would be spammed with InterruptedExceptions when stop is requested from the Driver Station (this behavior was accidentally introduced in v5.3). This change has no impact on functionality.
- Fixes issue where the blocks editor fails to load if the name of any TeleOp opmode contains an apostrophe.
Version 6.1 (20201209-113742)
- Makes the scan button on the configuration screen update the list of Expansion Hubs connected via RS-485
- Fixes SkyStone issue #143
- Improves web interface compatibility with older browser and Android System WebView versions.
- Fixes issue in UVC driver where some cameras (e.g. certain MS Lifecams) which reported frame intervals as rounded rather than truncated values (e.g.
instead of 666666*100ns
for 15FPS) would fail to start streaming.
- Adds support in UVC driver for virtual PTZ control
- Adds support in UVC driver for gain (ISO) control
- Adds support in UVC driver for enabling/disable AE priority. This setting provides a means to tell the camera firmware either
- A) It can undershoot the requested frame rate in order to provide a theoretically better image (i.e. with a longer exposure than the inter-frame period of the selected frame rate allows)
- B) It must meet the inter-frame deadline for the selected frame rate, even if the image may be underexposed as a result
- Adds support for the Control Hub OS 1.1.2 Robot Controller watchdog
- The Robot Controller app will be restarted if it stops responding for more than 10 seconds
- Adds support for using the Driver Station app on Android 10+
- Introduces an automatic TeleOp preselection feature
- For details and usage guide, please see this wiki entry
- Shows icon next to OpMode name in the OpMode list dropdown on the Driver Station to indicate the source of the OpMode (i.e. the programming tool used to create it)
- Fixes issue where the Driver Station app would exit after displaying the Configuring Wi-Fi Direct screen
- Fixes Blocks and OnBotJava prompts when accessed via the REV Hardware Client
Version 6.0 (20200921-085816)
Important Notes
- Version 6.0 is the version for the Ultimate Goal season.
- Requires Android Studio 4.0.
- Android Studio users need to be connected to the Internet the first time they build the app (in order to download needed packages for the build).
- Version 5.5 was a moderately large off-season, August 2020, drop. It's worth reviewing those release notes below also.
- Version 5.5 and greater will not work on older Android 4.x and 5.x phones. Users must upgrade to an approved Android 6.x device or newer.
- The default PIDF values for REV motors have been reverted to the default PID values that were used in the 2018-2019 season
- This change was made because the 2018-2019 values turned out to work better for many mechanisms
- This brings the behavior of the REV motors in line with the behavior of all other motors
- If you prefer the 2019-2020 season's behavior for REV motors, here are the PIDF values that were in place, so that you can manually set them in your OpModes:
HD Hex motors (all gearboxes):
Velocity PIDF values: P = 1.17
, I = 0.117
, F = 11.7
Position PIDF values: P = 5.0
Core Hex motor:
Velocity PIDF values: P = 4.96
, I = 0.496
, F = 49.6
Position PIDF values: P = 5.0
New features
- Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample OpModes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack).
- Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample OpModes.
- Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at greater distances).
- Adds configuration entry for the REV UltraPlanetary HD Hex motor
- Adds setGain() and getGain() methods to the NormalizedColorSensor interface
- By setting the gain of a color sensor, you can adjust for different lighting conditions.
For example, if you detect lower color values than expected, you can increase the gain.
- The gain value is only applied to the argb() and getNormalizedColors() methods, not to the raw color methods.
The getNormalizedColors() method is recommended for ease-of-use and clarity, since argb() has to be converted.
- Updates SensorColor Java sample to demonstrate gain usage
- Merges SensorREVColorDistance Java sample into SensorColor Java sample, which showcases best practices for all color sensors
- Improves retrieving values from the REV Color Sensor V3
- Updates the normalization calculation of the RGB channels
- Improves the calculation of the alpha channel (can be used as an overall brightness indicator)
- Fixes the default sensor resolution, which caused issues with bright environments
- Adds support for changing the resolution and measuring rate of the Broadcom sensor chip
- Removes IR readings and calculations not meant for the Broadcom sensor chip
Bug fixes
- Improves reliability of BNO055IMU IMU initialization to prevent random initialization failures (which manifested as
Problem with 'imu'
Version 5.5 (20200824-090813)
Version 5.5 requires Android Studio 4.0 or later.
New features
- Adds support for calling custom Java classes from Blocks OpModes (fixes SkyStone issue #161).
- Classes must be in the org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode package.
- To have easy access to the opMode, hardwareMap, telemetry, gamepad1, and gamepad2, classes can
extends org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.BlocksOpModeCompanion.
- Methods must be public static and have no more than 21 parameters.
- Methods must be annotated with org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.ExportToBlocks.
- Parameters declared as OpMode, LinearOpMode, Telemetry, and HardwareMap are supported and the
argument is provided automatically, regardless of the order of the parameters. On the block,
the sockets for those parameters are automatically filled in.
- Parameters declared as char or java.lang.Character will accept any block that returns text
and will only use the first character in the text.
- Parameters declared as boolean or java.lang.Boolean will accept any block that returns boolean.
- Parameters declared as byte, java.lang.Byte, short, java.lang.Short, int, java.lang.Integer,
long, or java.lang.Long, will accept any block that returns a number and will round that
value to the nearest whole number.
- Parameters declared as float, java.lang.Float, double, java.lang.Double will accept any
block that returns a number.
- Adds telemetry API method for setting display format
- Classic
- Monospace
- HTML (certain tags only)
- Adds blocks support for switching cameras.
- Adds Blocks support for TensorFlow Object Detection with a custom model.
- Adds support for uploading a custom TensorFlow Object Detection model in the Manage page, which
is especially useful for Blocks and OnBotJava users.
- Shows new Control Hub blink codes when the Wi-Fi band is switched using the Control Hub's button (only possible on Control Hub OS 1.1.2)
- Adds new warnings which can be disabled in the Advanced RC Settings
- Mismatched app versions warning
- Unnecessary 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi usage warning
- REV Hub is running outdated firmware (older than version 1.8.2)
- Adds support for Sony PS4 gamepad, and reworks how gamepads work on the Driver Station
- Removes preference which sets gamepad type based on driver position. Replaced with menu which allows specifying type for gamepads with unknown VID and PID
- Attempts to auto-detect gamepad type based on USB VID and PID
- If gamepad VID and PID is not known, use type spe