Demo website | Changelog
Yue is a minimal, multilingual and customizable Hugo theme, suitable for blogging.
Screenshots may be outdated, so it's better to visit the demo website.
Light mode on desktop
Dark mode on desktop
Light mode on mobile
Dark mode on mobile
Minimal appearance
Easy to install (with Git and Hugo installed, create a website in a few seconds)
Detailed documentation
Automatic dark mode
Translation list in single page
Language selector (go to corresponding page or homepage)
Multiple authors
Table of Content (foldable, only generated when available)
Modification date on home page, single page, section page and term page
Custom date format
Pagination on home page and section page
Full-text RSS
Tags and categories
Copyright notice (author and year span can be set)
RSS link
Heading anchor link
Mobile-first and responsive
Search engine optimization
meta description
Open Graph
Page count to sections (/posts/
, /tags/
, etc.)
Styles (SCSS)
Contents (HTML)
To find out all features, check hugo.yaml (default configuration) and exampleSite/hugo.yaml (demo site's configuration).
Install Git and latest Hugo extended.
# Create websitegit init my-websitecd my-website# Install themegit submodule add --depth=1 themes/hugo-theme-yue git commit --message "add theme"# Create demo contentcp --recursive themes/hugo-theme-yue/exampleSite/* .# Previewhugo server
Now we have a working demo webiste. The content
directory contains the content, and hugo.yaml
is configuration file. Feel free to play around with them.
cd my-website git submodule update --remote
It's recommended to read before updating the theme.
You can subscribe updates and the changelog in a feed aggregator (e.g. Inoreader).
You need to use additional options when you clone your website project.
git clone --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules [email protected]:your-user-name/my-website.git
After setting up the website, you probably want to host it on Internet. There are many methods for doing it, see Hosting and deployment | Hugo. If you don't know what to choose, you can start from Netlify, see Host on Netlify | Hugo.
Make sure you change baseURL to your domain name (e.g.
) in hugo.yaml
Recommended build command:
hugo --gc --minify
remove unused cache files
, and --minify
reduce the size of the website (mainly HTML).
Create a new post.
hugo new content content/en/posts/
To learn more about usage, see:
Basic usage | Hugo
Directory structure | Hugo
Settings are listed in exampleSite/hugo.yaml (demo site's config) and hugo.yaml (default config, imported by the former).
In the root of your website project, hugo.yaml
is the config file, which is a copy of exampleSite/hugo.yaml.
To learn configuration, see Configure Hugo | Hugo.
Supported languages:
: English
: French
: Simplified Chinese
To create a multilingual website, see Multilingual mode | Hugo and exampleSite/hugo.yaml.
Translation files are located in the i18n directory and data/i18n.yaml. Contributions for additional languages are welcome.
To contribute a new language:
Create a language file (e.g., fr.yaml
for French) in the i18n directory.
Copy the content of i18n/en.yaml into the new file.
Remove all comments (# ...
) and translate the content.
Translate the content in data/i18n.yaml as well.
If you want to keep contributing to translation, you can get latest changes by subscribing the feed of i18n/en.yaml ( using an RSS reader.
If your website is not in English, you probably want to customize title of /tags
and /categories
For example, to customize /tags
title of zh-CN
website, create content/zh-CN/tags/
and add the following content into the file.
--- title: Chinese Tags ---
Yue allows you to customize favicon, styles (SCSS), and contents (HTML).
Favicon is the icon next to title in a browser tab. To use your favicon, put favicon.ico
under static
directory. You can create favicon.ico
on online favicon.ico generators.
Yue uses SCSS (libsass) to add styles. All files are in assets/scss.To customize styles, create assets/scss/_style-start.scss
and assets/scss/_style-end.scss
is applied first, and you can override variables in this file.
$base-font-size: 15px;
is applied last, and you can add styles in this file.
Vanilla CSS is also valid in SCSS.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
Sass: Sass Basics
Directory structure | Hugo
You can create these files to insert HTML code.
is added near the start of the <head>
Use cases:
Preload scripts
Load scripts
Load styles
Here is an example of preloading scripts:
<link rel="preload" as="script" href=""><link rel="preload" as="script" href=""><link rel="preload" as="script" href="">
is added to the end of the <head>
Use cases:
Load scripts
Load styles
Here is an example of adding Google Analytics and a local script:
<!-- Google Analytics --><script async src=""></script><script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-F46B15BRUF');</script><!-- Local script, path: assets/js/my-script.js -->{{ with resources.Get "js/my-script.js" | js.Build }} <script defer src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"></script>{{ end }}
is added to the end of the <main>
element in a post.
Use cases:
comment services, e.g., Disqus and giscus
Here is an example of adding Giscus:
{{ $language := "" }} {{- /* Workaround for lowercase LanguagePrefix, see */ -}} {{ if eq site.LanguagePrefix "/zh-cn" }} {{ $language = "zh-CN" }} {{ else }} {{ $language = "en" }} {{ end }}<script src="" data-repo="CyrusYip/yue-test" data-repo-id="P_9hJMbXtqr" data-category="General" data-category-id="SIB_ldsflk712ldRsjf7" data-mapping="pathname" data-strict="0" data-reactions-enabled="1" data-emit-metadata="0" data-input-position="bottom" data-theme="preferred_color_scheme" data-lang="{{ $language }}" crossorigin="anonymous" async></script>
List of comment services: Comments | Hugo.
is added to the end of the <body>
Use cases:
Dynamically load scripts
To report bugs, submit an issue. To ask questions, start a discussion.
Hugo has many features, read Hugo Documentation to learn.
This project uses hugo-bin - npm to manage Hugo version. Prerequisite: Node.js and npm.
Clone this repository.
npm install npm run clean:server:shared
There are other useful commands listed in package.json. To use recommended Hugo version, run npx hugo
If you don't have Node.js and npm installed, just install the version listed in package.json.
"hugo-bin": { "buildTags": "extended", "version": "x.yyy.z"}, should be updated in each commit.
If you are using Yue and source code of your website is hosted on GitHub, you can add hugo-theme-yue
topic to your repository.
Link to hugo-theme-yue
I have learned a lot from many projects. Thank you, developers.
hugo-xmin (minimal templates)
hugo-theme-jane (RSS template)
hugo-theme-zen (language selector)
hugo-theme-gruvbox (color)
gruvbox (color)
hugo-theme-stack (source code, documentation and config)
hugo-PaperMod (source code, documentation and config)
This project is licensed under MIT.