xunlei is extracted from the Thunder Synology suite and is used for the Thunder remote download service of Linux distributions (supporting OpenWrt/Alpine/Docker). For testing only, please delete it after testing.
Support X86_64/aarch64
Support glibc/musl
Support changing download directory
Support panel authentication
Supports installation as a specific user (UID/GID)
Docker image minimum compression (about 40MB)
Supported plug-ins: NAS Star (pcdn), speed test plug-in
Inner invitation code (3H9F7Y6D/Thunder Niutong), inner code application fast track: https://t.cn/A6fhraWZ
Default web access port 5055
❯ ./xunlei Synology Nas Thunder runs on Linux Usage: xunlei [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>Commands: install install xunlei uninstall Uninstall xunlei launcher Launcher xunlei help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -d, --debug Enable debug -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ❯ ./xunlei install --help Install xunlei Usage: xunlei install [OPTIONS] Options: --debug Enable debug [env: XUNLEI_DEBUG=] -u, --auth-user <AUTH_USER> Xunlei authentication username [env: XUNLEI_AUTH_USER=] -w, --auth-password <AUTH_PASSWORD> Xunlei authentication password [env: XUNLEI_AUTH_PASSWORD=] -H, --host <HOST> Xunlei Listen host [env: XUNLEI_HOST=] [default:] -P, --port <PORT> Xunlei Listen port [env: XUNLEI_PORT=] [default: 5055] -U, --uid <UID> Xunlei UID permission [env: XUNLEI_UID=] -G, --gid <GID> Xunlei GID permission [env: XUNLEI_GID=] -c, --config-path <CONFIG_PATH> Xunlei config directory [default: /opt/xunlei] -d, --download-path <DOWNLOAD_PATH> Xunlei download directory [default: /opt/xunlei/downloads] -m, --mount-bind-download-path <MOUNT_BIND_DOWNLOAD_PATH> Xunlei mount bind download directory [default: /xunlei] -h, --help Print help
There are precompiled deb packages/rpm packages and binary files in GitHub Releases, taking Ubuntu as an example:
wget https://github.com/gngpp/xunlei/releases/download/v3.11.2-32/xunlei-embed-3.11.2-32-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.deb dpkg -i xunlei_3.11.2-32_amd64.deb# Install and run the Thunder program xunlei install# Stop and uninstall the Thunder program xunlei uninstall# If your system does not support systemd, manually start the xunlei launcher
docker run -it --rm --privileged -p 5055:5055 --name=xunlei -v $(pwd)/data:/opt/data -v $(pwd)/downloads:/downloads -e XUNLEI_AUTH_USER=admin -e XUNLEI_AUTH_PASSWORD=admin gngpp/xunlei:latest
There are precompiled ipk files in GitHub Releases. Currently, versions of aarch64/x86_64 and other architectures are provided. After downloading, use opkg to install. Take nanopi r4s as an example:
wget https://github.com/gngpp/xunlei/releases/download/v3.11.2-32/xunlei_3.11.2-32_aarch64_generic.ipk wget https://github.com/gngpp/xunlei/releases/download/v3.11.2-32/luci-app-xunlei_1.0.1-7-1_all.ipk wget https://github.com/gngpp/xunlei/releases/download/v3.11.2-32/luci-i18n-xunlei-zh-cn_1.0.1-7-1_all.ipk opkg install xunlei_3.11.2-32_aarch64_generic.ipk opkg install luci-app-xunlei_1.0.1-7-1_all.ipk opkg install luci-i18n-xunlei-zh-cn_1.0.1-7-1_all.ipk
git clone https://github.com/gngpp/xunlei && cd xunlei# Default compilation and online installation cargo build --release && mv target/release/xunlei .# Complete package compilation and installation bash +x ./unpack.sh && cargo build --release --features embed && mv target/release/xunlei .# Execute installation ./xunlei install# If the system does not support systemd, manually start daemon./xunlei launcher
cd package svn co https://github.com/gngpp/xunlei/trunk/openwrtcd - make menuconfig # choose LUCI->Applications->luci-app-xunlei make V=s
If there is a problem with openwrt starting, first execute service xunlei disable && service xunlei enable
to clear the previously installed Thunder package cache (maybe someone else’s package is also called xunlei, which will have init.d cache). If it doesn’t work, then turn on the debug mode to view the log. It is best New installation and restart
For the operating system of the musl runtime library, if there is already a glibc runtime library, it will be compatible with the operating system runtime environment first (to avoid dependency conflicts with other software in the system, which may be missing dependencies and complete them by yourself)
Specifying to run LD to load the library or compress cannot currently be done (binary with signature), and reverse patching is required.
The plug-in depends on bash, and the system needs to install bash.