KesionICMS intelligent website building system is based on Microsoft .NET2.0 platform and developed using B/S three-tier structure, which is safer, more powerful and more professional! Including articles, pictures, downloads, model management, template tags, auxiliary systems, membership systems, etc. Template tags are extremely flexible.
KesionICMS intelligent website building system 5.0 update log: 2017-10-16
1. The delivery method has been improved and can be limited by weight. If the order exceeds a certain weight, the configuration method can be set not to be displayed;
2. When choosing fixed freight as the delivery method, you can add different fixed freight rates for different regions.
3. When the mall system modifies the order, it can directly calculate the total price of the automatically changed order when modifying the quantity of goods, unit price, etc.;
4. On the product management list page of the mall system, you can click to view the sales trend chart of each product;
5. The mall system adds graphic and text statistics by category, region, buyer, courier company, etc.;
6. The mall system has re-improved the return and exchange process. Returns require entering the return courier number, etc.;
7. When adding products to the mall system, you can set that only members or users at a specified level have the permission to purchase;
8. The mall system adds a content page to receive coupons. And add all coupon collection list pages;
9. The mall adds an enterprise version query interface that supports Express 100.