Linshare is released under the terms of the license GNU AGPLv3. For more information please see here
Specially designed to secure paperless file sharings within companies that put privacy and traceability in the heart of their problems of exchange, LinShare provides a simple solution completely intuitive.
More information on
A Live demo of LinShare is available at This demo reflects the latest developments done on LinShare, it will be reseted and updated on regulary basis.
This instance of LinShare is set up with some test users:
If you want to share with some external users, use these five email addresses [email protected] to [email protected]. External users are just an email address without a LinShare account.
We also provide [email protected] to [email protected] emails adresses, who are also external accounts but you can use them to create guests.
NB: You won't able to send or receive emails if your email address is not
In order to see emails sent by LinShare, we also put at your disposal a webmail available at
Webmail passwords :
LinShare is now splitted into multiple repositories. You can clone the whole project using the following commands :
NB: You can download all components using Maven:
$ mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory='linshare'