A collection of themes for the Windows PowerShell ISE.
GUI Method (to import themes individually):
Download the theme you want by navigating to the .ps1xml file in GitHub, clicking the 3 dots in the top-right, and selecting to download the raw file content. Then, in the PowerShell ISE, go to Tools -> Options -> Manage Themes -> Import, and import the downloaded .ps1xml file.
PowerShell Method (to import all themes at once):
Run the PowerShell commands in the "Import-ISEThemesFromGithub.ps1" script which can be found in the "!Script to import all themes" folder. Or if you trust me enough to just directly run the script, simply paste this one line into PowerShell and it will import all the themes:
Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marzme/PowerShell_ISE_Themes/master/!Script%20to%20import%20all%20themes/Import-ISEThemesFromGithub.ps1").Content
Happy scripting! ?
Please Note: These themes only apply to the Scripting Pane of the ISE, and only for the PowerShell language. The XML language and Console Pane colours will remain the default ones. I thought changing the console pane colours would be more annoying than helpful, as if you used colours in your script, the result would look different in the ISE console than in a normal PowerShell window.
Most of these themes were converted from ones on Eclipse-Color-Themes.web.app (formerly EclipseColorThemes.org), thanks to this nice little script from "akawhoami".
The "Visual Studio 2013 Dark" theme is thanks to "curi0usJack", and was found here: https://project500.squarespace.com/journal/2015/2/16/vs2013-dark-theme-for-powershell-ise.
Aquatic, Nightvale, and Paper Rose were found on ISEColorTheme.Cmdlets on the PSGallery.
The Placidity and Calm Dusk themes I created myself from scratch, and are my personal favourites. ?