01. Blastn database download and update [Automated by NCBI tool]
02. Blastn database download and update [Automated by bash script]
03. Blastn execution [User-interactive bash script & Nextflow DSL2 script]
04. Blastn hits sequence extraction [User-interactive bash script]
05. Blastn common errors and solutions
Create a conda environment for blastn
conda create -n blastn_db
Activate the blastn environment
conda activate blastn_db
Copy the link of the latest blast executable from the following link
download the executable as follows
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/LATEST/ncbi-blast-2.15.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
Extract the downloaded file as follows
tar -zxvf ncbi-blast-2.15.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
Navigate to the following directory
cd ncbi-blast-2.15.0+/bin
Add this path to the PATH environmental variable. See how to do this in my tutorial:
Copy the update_blastdb.pl from the ncbi-blast-2.15.0+/bin directory to the directory you want to download the blastn database
cp ./update_blastdb.pl databaseDirectory
Run the script as follows
run ./update_blastdb.pl --decompress nt
Download will automatically start
When the download is complete, confirm that all the nt files have been downloaded. You can do that by cross-checking nt file numbers between https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/ and your directory
If you don't have all the nt files in your directory, then you will get "BLAST Database error: Could not find volume or alias file nt.xxx in referenced alias file"
You can download the missing nt files by using the following bash script
When all the nt files are downloaded, you can delete the md5 files as follows:
rm -r *.md5
Prepare a metadata.tsv file containing the list of all nt.??.tar.gz files. The nt.??.tar.gz files are located at
The file metadata.tsv looks like this:
Figure 1: Blastn database nt files.
Put the metadata.tsv file and the following blastn script in the directory where you want to download the blastn database
Check the file format as follows:
file *
All files are required to be in UNIX format i.e., ASCII text only. Files written in Windows computer will have Windows format i.e., ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators. Convert these files into unix format by running the following command:
dos2unix *
Check the files are executable
ls -l
Run the following command to make the files executable
chmod +x *
#!/bin/bash #metadata metadata=./*.tsv # Red="$(tput setaf 1)" Green="$(tput setaf 2)" Bold=$(tput bold) reset=`tput sgr0` # turns off all atribute while IFS=, read -r field1 do echo "${Red}${Bold}Downloading ${reset}: "${field1}"" echo "" wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/"${field1}" echo "${Green}${Bold}Downloaded ${reset}: ${field1}" echo "" echo "${Green}${Bold}Extracting ${reset}: ${field1}" tar -xvzf "${field1}" echo "${Green}${Bold}Extracted ${reset}: ${field1}" echo "" echo "${Green}${Bold}Deleting zipped file ${reset}: ${field1}" rm -r "${field1}" echo "${Green}${Bold}Deleted ${reset}: ${field1}" echo "" done < ${metadata}
x: tells tar to extract the files
v: “v” stands for “verbose”, listing all of the files as the decompression continues
z: tells the tar command to uncompress/decompress the file (gzip)
f: tells tar that a file will be assigned to work with
pkill -9 wget # to abort the running wget download
Wild card like ‘tar.gz’ doesn’t work for ‘tar’. Because tar supplied with a “” doesn’t only limit itself to the existing tar files in the directory but also it expands to the imaginary file names (!), for example, abc.tar.gz def.tar.gz ghi.tar.gz or 1.gz, 2.gz and 3.gz etc. Since these files are non-existence, tar can’t find them and produce ‘not found in the archive’ error. The following loop function can overcome this issue when you have multiple tar files to decompress.
for file in *.tar.gz; do tar -xvzf "$file"; done
#!/bin/bash -i # ask for query file echo Enter your input file name including extension and hit ENTER read -e F # ask for an output directory name echo Enter an output directory name and hit ENTER read -e outDir # ask for the blast database path echo Enter the path to the blast database and hit ENTER read -e BlastDB echo "" # start monitoring run time SECONDS=0 # make blast results directory mkdir ${outDir} # prepare output file name prefix baseName=$(basename $F .fasta) # Run blastn with .asn output echo blastn in progress... blastn -db ${BlastDB} -num_alignments 1 -num_threads 16 -outfmt 11 -query $PWD/$F > $PWD/${outDir}/${baseName}.asn # convert output file from asn to xml format echo converting output file from asn to xml format blast_formatter -archive $PWD/${outDir}/${baseName}.asn -outfmt 5 > $PWD/${outDir}/${baseName}.xml # convert output file from asn to tsv format echo converting output file from asn to tsv format blast_formatter -archive $PWD/${outDir}/${baseName}.asn -outfmt 0 > $PWD/${outDir}/${baseName}.tsv # display the compute time if (( $SECONDS > 3600 )) ; then let "hours=SECONDS/3600" let "minutes=(SECONDS%3600)/60" let "seconds=(SECONDS%3600)%60" echo "Completed in $hours hour(s), $minutes minute(s) and $seconds second(s)" elif (( $SECONDS > 60 )) ; then let "minutes=(SECONDS%3600)/60" let "seconds=(SECONDS%3600)%60" echo "Completed in $minutes minute(s) and $seconds second(s)" else echo "Completed in $SECONDS seconds" fi
Default identity percentage is 90%
Default query coverage percentage is 0%
The smaller the E-value, the better the match
Ref: https://www.metagenomics.wiki/tools/blast/evalue
The higher the bit-score, the better the sequence similarity
This script allows you for
modifying the default blastn parameters
running blastn on both local and remote computers using containers (This removes the need of installing and updating the blastn software. However, you will need to install Nextflow and Singularity)
automating blastn analysis for multiple samples
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow nextflow.enable.dsl=2 //data_location params.in = "$PWD/*.fasta" params.outdir = './results' params.db = "./blastn_db" params.evalue='0.05' params.identity='90' params.qcov='90' // blastn process blastn { errorStrategy 'ignore' tag { file } publishDir "${params.outdir}/blastn", mode:'copy' input: path (file) path db output: path "${file.simpleName}_blast.xml" path "${file.simpleName}_blast.html" path "${file.simpleName}_blast_sort_withHeader.tsv" script: """ blastn -query $file -db ${params.db}/nt -outfmt 11 -out ${file.simpleName}_blast.asn -evalue ${params.evalue} -perc_identity ${params.identity} -qcov_hsp_perc ${params.qcov} -num_threads ${task.cpus} blast_formatter -archive ${file.simpleName}_blast.asn -outfmt 5 -out ${file.simpleName}_blast.xml blast_formatter -archive ${file.simpleName}_blast.asn -html -out ${file.simpleName}_blast.html blast_formatter -archive ${file.simpleName}_blast.asn -outfmt "6 qaccver saccver pident length evalue bitscore stitle" -out ${file.simpleName}_blast_unsort.tsv sort -k1,1 -k5,5n -k4,4nr -k6,6nr ${file.simpleName}_blast_unsort.tsv > ${file.simpleName}_blast_sort.tsv awk 'BEGIN{print "qaccvertsaccvertpidenttlengthtevaluetbitscoretmismatchtgapopentqstarttqendtsstarttsendtstitle"}1' ${file.simpleName}_blast_sort.tsv > ${file.simpleName}_blast_sort_withHeader.tsv """ } workflow { query_ch = Channel.fromPath(params.in) db = file( params.db ) blastn (query_ch, db) }
resume = true process { withName:'blastn|blastIndex' { container = 'quay.io/biocontainers/blast:2.14.1--pl5321h6f7f691_0' } } singularity { enabled = true autoMounts = true //runOptions = '-e TERM=xterm-256color' envWhitelist = 'TERM' }
nextflow run main.nf --evalue=0.05 --identity='90' --qcov='0' --db="/path/to/blastn_database"
#!/bin/bash -i # Red="$(tput setaf 1)" Green="$(tput setaf 2)" Bold=$(tput bold) reset=`tput sgr0` # turns off all atribute # ask for blastn output file echo "" echo "" echo "${Red}${Bold}Enter blastn output tsv file and hit ENTER ${reset}" echo "" read -e F echo "" # ask for the key word echo "${Red}${Bold}Enter filter word (CASE-SENSITIVE) and hit ENTER ${reset}" echo "" read -e KeyWord echo "" # ask for the blastn query fasta file echo "${Red}${Bold}Enter blastn query fasta file and hit ENTER ${reset}" echo "" read -e Query echo "" # prepare output file name prefix baseName=$(basename $F .tsv) echo "" # filtering the selected blastn hits echo "" echo "${Green}${Bold}Filtering the blastn hits containing ${reset}: "${KeyWord}"" echo "" grep ${KeyWord} $F > ${baseName}_${KeyWord}.tsv # collecting the query IDs from the selected blastn hits echo "${Green}${Bold}Collecting the query IDs from the selected blastn hits ${reset}: "${KeyWord}"" echo "" awk '{print $1}' ${baseName}_${KeyWord}.tsv > IDs.txt # extracting the sequences for the selected blastn hits echo "${Green}${Bold}Extracting the sequences for the selected blastn hits ${reset}: "${KeyWord}"" echo "" bioawk -cfastx 'BEGIN{while((getline k <"IDs.txt")>0)i[k]=1}{if(i[$name])print ">"$name"n"$seq}' ${Query} > ${baseName}_${KeyWord}.fasta echo "" echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${KeyWord}"" echo "" echo ""
The bash script to extract blastn hit sequences is user-interactive. It will ask for inputs, automatically process them, and produce a file containing the expected fasta sequences. See the screenshot below:
Figure 2: How blastn_hits_sequences_extraction_auto_AP script works.
Figure 3: Blastn database error "No alias or index file found".
This error might be resolved by adjusting the script as follows:
Add ‘nt’ at the end of the database path like /path/to/the/blastn/db/nt
See the database path in the blastn script above. Likewise, ‘/nr’ for blastp
If Blastn is your first or only process in the Nextflow script; then the process might take the path of the database. If not, then the database needs to be supplied as files. See the following reference. And the input channel should have path(db) in addition to the path(query_sequence). See the blastn script above.
Figure 4: Blastn database error "Not a valid version 4 database".
This is a blast version conflict
When you create a conda environment, it automatically installs blast v2.6 that can’t use the latest blast nr database
You need an undated version such as blast v2.15.0 to use the latest blast nr database.
Check which version of blastn you have:
blastn -version
Update the latest version of blastn:
conda install -c bioconda blast
Figure 5: Blastn database error "could not find nt.XXX alias in the reference alias".
When you don't have all the nt files in your blastn database directory, then you will get this error "BLAST Database error: Could not find volume or alias file nt.xxx in referenced alias file"
Cross-check the nt file numbers between https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/ and your blastn database directory
You can download the missing nt files by using the above bash script