The Vault Log Analyzer is a command line tool that simplifies the process of analyzing Vault API and Vault Java SDK logs. Through a simple set of commands, the Log Analyzer imports a batch of logs and generates a CSV file of aggregated statistics. The CSV file can then be processed into a pivot table for easy manipulation to provide a holistic view of a Vault's API and SDK performance.
The Vault Log Analyzer tool is distributed as a single JAR file, and does not require installation. Simply navigate to the link below, and click on the "Download" button. From there, the jar file can be run from a command line console.
Download the latest vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar
We recommend creating a local directory for Vault Log Analyzer related files. This can help with keeping track of the various inputs and outputs.
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype API -action IMPORT
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype API -action ANALYZE
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype DEBUG -action ANALYZE
The basic structure of a command using Vault Log Analyzer:
java -jar {jarFile} -logtype {logType} -action {actionName} -input {folderPath} -output {filePath}
Command | Parameter | Example | Description |
-logtype | API | -logtype API |
Set the analyzer to process API Logs |
-action | IMPORT | -action IMPORT |
Used to import a batch of API logs |
Used to analyze generated .db file of -action IMPORT command |
Used to download API usage logs from a specified Vault | |
-input | {logs folder} | -input ./logs |
Optional path to location of log files when using the -action IMPORT command. Defaults to "/logs" if no directory is given |
{.db file} | -input ./vault-log-analyzer.db |
Optional path to location of .db file when using the -action ANALYZE command. Defaults to "vault-log-analyzer.db" in the folder where the jar file |
-output | {.db file} | -output ./path/to/analyze.db |
Optional path for generated .db file when using the -action IMPORT command. Defaults to "vault-log-analyzer.db" in the folder where the jar file |
{.csv file} | -output ./path/to/analyze.csv |
Optional path for generated .csv file when using the -action ANALYZE command. Defaults to "vault-log-analyzer-api-YYYYMMDD-{time}.csv" if no filename |
{folder} | -output ./path/to/logs |
Optional path to save API usage logs when using the -action DOWNLOAD command. Defaults to "/logs" folder if no directory is given |
-vaultid | {vault ID} | -vaultid 123456 |
Optional parameter for populating the "vault_id" column in the exported .csv file when using the -action IMPORT/-action ANALYZE commands. Defaults to the Vault ID in the api log file name. |
-vaultDns | {vault DNS} | -vaultDns |
Vault where logs will be downloaded from when using the -action DOWNLOAD command |
-sessionId | {session ID} | -sessionId {session ID} |
For Authenticating to a Vault when using the -action DOWNLOAD command |
-startDate | {YYYY-MM-DD} | -startDate 2023-02-04 |
For specifying a start date when using the -action DOWNLOAD command |
-endDate | {YYYY-MM-DD} | -endDate 2023-02-05 |
For specifying an end date when using the -action DOWNLOAD command. Start date is required if using an end date. Defaults to the current day if no end date is provided |
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype API -action IMPORT -input ./path/to/logs -output ./path/to/analyze.db
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype API -action ANALYZE -input ./path/to/analyze.db -output ./path/to/output.csv
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype API -action DOWNLOAD -vaultDns -sessionId {session ID} -startDate 2023-02-01 -endDate 2023-02-05
Command | Parameter | Example | Description |
-logtype | DEBUG | -logtype DEBUG |
Set the analyzer to process SDK Debug Logs |
-action | ANALYZE | -action ANALYZE |
Used to analyze contents of "/logs" folder |
-input | {logs folder} | -input ./path/to/logs |
Path to location of log files. Defaults to "/logs" if no directory is given |
-output | {.csv file} | -output ./path/to/output.csv |
Path for generated .csv file when using the -action ANALYZE command. Defaults to "vault-log-analyzer-debug-YYYYMMDD-{time}.csv" if no filename is given |
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype DEBUG -action ANALYZE -input ./path/to/logs -output ./path/to/output.csv
Command | Parameter | Example | Description |
-logtype | RUNTIME | -logtype RUNTIME |
Set the analyzer to process SDK Runtime Logs |
-action | DOWNLOAD | -action DOWNLOAD |
Used to download SDK Runtime logs from a specified Vault |
-vaultDns | {vault DNS} | -vaultDns |
Vault where logs will be downloaded from when using the -action DOWNLOAD command |
-sessionId | {session ID} | -sessionId {session ID} |
For Authenticating to a Vault when using the -action DOWNLOAD command |
-startDate | {YYYY-MM-DD} | -startDate 2023-02-04 |
For specifying a start date when using the -action DOWNLOAD command |
-endDate | {YYYY-MM-DD} | -endDate 2023-02-05 |
For specifying an end date when using the -action DOWNLOAD command. Start date is required if using an end date. Defaults to the current day if no end date is provided |
java -jar vault-log-analyzer-24.2.0.jar -logtype RUNTIME -action DOWNLOAD -vaultDns -sessionId {session ID} -startDate 2023-02-01 -endDate 2023-02-05