ArcGIS Pro 3.4 SDK for Microsoft .NET Framework
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This repository contains ArcGIS Pro Add-In Samples for the ArcGIS Pro 3.4 SDK for Microsoft .NET Framework. The samples are demonstrating the key functionalities in the following functional areas of ArcGIS Pro: Content, Configuration, Framework, Editing, Geodatabase, Geometry, Geoprocessing, Layouts, Reports, Map Authoring, Map Exploration, Utility Network, Network Diagram, Sharing, TaskAssistant, and Workflow.
This repository contains ArcGIS Pro Add-In Samples outlined in this ArcGIS Pro Add-In Sample list
To contribute samples, it is recommended to have some background on Git and GitHub.
If you wish to contribute to this website, please
- fork this repository on GitHub,
- write your sample into a branch of your forked repo
- make sure that all class files have triple slash comments
- add the copyright header on all source files (including config.daml)
- push your sample to a named branch,
- then send a pull request.
Detailed instructions can be found here: ProGuide: Contribute Samples
- API Reference online
- ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET (
- arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples
- ArcGIS Pro DAML ID Reference
- ArcGIS Pro SDK icons
You can use the above Pro SDK Icons as the image for your controls on the Pro Ribbon. Code snippet below provides the pack URI to be used in your add-in's config.daml.
The icons below are new at ArcGIS Pro 2.8. To use these icons, download the from this link: ArcGIS Pro SDK Icons
Samples Data
- Sample data for ArcGIS Pro SDK Community Samples can be downloaded from the repo releases page.
The requirements for the machine on which you develop your ArcGIS Pro add-ins are listed here.
ArcGIS Pro
Supported platforms
- Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Enterprise) (64 bit)
- Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Enterprise) (64 bit)
ArcGIS Pro system requirements
Supported .NET
- Microsoft .NET Runtime 8.0.3 or better. Download .NET 8.0
- To upgrade an ArcGIS Pro SDK project build with release 3.0-3.2 to release 3.3 (.NET 8.0), see the ProGuide .NET 8 Upgrade
Supported IDEs
- Visual Studio 2022 (v17.8 or higher)
- Community Edition
- Professional Edition
- Enterprise Edition
We recommend installing a minimum version of 17.8 of Visual Studio. This version includes .NET 8 as part of the Visual Studio 2022 install (.NET SDK 8.0.3). Installing a lesser version of Visual Studio 2022 may require a separate install of the .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0.3 and/or .NET SDK 8.0.3. Consult Microsoft’s Download .NET 8.0 site for more information.
Third party assemblies
Newtonsoft Json
- At 3.3, ArcGIS Pro is using version of the Newtonsoft Json NuGet. If you require Newtonsoft NuGet in your add-ins it is recommended to use the same version.
- Add-in developers can use the new WebViewBrowser control based on Microsoft Edge WebView2. Consult the WebView2 manifest in the Pro binWebView folder for the current WebView2 fixed version runtime in use by ArcGIS Pro.
Installing ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET can be downloaded and installed from within Visual Studio.
Read the ProGuide: Installation and Upgrade for detailed installation instructions.
ArcGIS Pro Add-In Community Sample List
Below is the list of 289 ArcGIS Pro samples that are included in this repository.
- AddInInfoManager (c#)
- ArcGISOnlineConnect (c#)
- ContentFileExplorer (c#)
- CustomCatalogContext (c#)
- ExcelDropHandler (c#)
- FolderConnectionManager (c#)
- MetadataBrowserControl (c#)
- MetadataViewer (c#)
- OpenItemDialogBrowseFilter (c#)
- PortalInfoListAllFedServers (c#)
- QuakeItem (c#)
- WorkwithProjects (c#)
Managed Configurations
- ConfigWithMap (c#)
- ConfigWithStartWizard (c#)
- ProConfigWithAnimatedSplash (c#)
- ProStartPageConfig (c#)
- AddFeatureTest (c#)
- AnnoTools (c#)
- BeforeSketchCompleted (c#)
- COGOLineFeatures (c#)
- ConstructionTool (c#)
- ConstructionToolWithOptions (c#)
- ConstructToolWithOptions (c#)
- CopyLayer (c#)
- CreatePointsAlongLine3D (c#)
- CrowdPlannerTool (c#)
- CustomToolSketchSymbology (c#)
- DatasetCompatibility (c#)
- DemoUseSelection (c#)
- DivideLines (c#)
- DuplicateAndSelect (c#)
- EditEvents (c#)
- EditingTemplates (c#)
- EditOperationRowEvent (c#)
- EditorInspectorUI (c#)
- ExtendTool (c#)
- GeometryControl (c#)
- GroundToGrid (c#)
- GroundToGridEvents (c#)
- InspectorTool (c#)
- Inspector_AddAttributeAsync (c#)
- KnowledgeGraphConstructionTools (c#)
- KnowledgeGraphRelateTool (c#)
- LayerSnapModes (c#)
- MainConnectorManhole (c#)
- MapTopologyAddIn (c#)
- ModifyNewlyAddedFeatures (c#)
- MultipatchBuilder (c#)
- ReplaceSketch (c#)
- RestartSketch (c#)
- RowEventTest (c#)
- SequentialNumberTool (c#)
- SketchRemoveCurves (c#)
- SketchToolDemo (c#)
- SketchToolWithHalos (c#)
- SplitPolygon (c#)
- TableConstructionTool (c#)
- TableFeatureClassOperations (c#)
- TableViewerTest (c#)
- TransferAttributes (c#)
- TransformCADLayer (c#)
- UpdateAttributesWithSketch (c#)
- BackStage_PropertyPage (c#)
- BookmarksComboBox (c#)
- CommandFilter (c#)
- ConditionQuery (c#)
- ConfigureGallery (c#)
- ContextMenu (c#)
- ContextualRibbonTab (c#)
- CopyPaste (c#)
- CustomCatalog (c#)
- CustomEvent (c#)
- CustomStyling (c#)
- DAML (c#)
- DockPaneBookmarkAdvanced (c#)
- DockpaneSimple (c#)
- DockpaneWithHelp (c#)
- DocToolBoxEmbedding (c#)
- DragAndDrop (c#)
- DynamicMenu (c#)
- Gallery (c#)
- GetAddins (c#)
- HookProCommands (c#)
- InsertIntoContextMenu (c#)
- KeyboardShortcuts (c#)
- Licensing (c#)
- Localization (c#)
- MapControl (c#)
- Notifications (c#)
- OpenMapViews (c#)
- ProcessProjectFiles (c#)
- ProgressDialog (c#)
- ProIcons (c#)
- ProWindowModal (c#)
- ProWindowMVVM (c#)
- QAReviewTool (c#)
- ReferencingArcGISProImages (c#)
- RemoveAddins (c#)
- ReusableUserControl (c#)
- ReusingProCommands (c#)
- RibbonControls (c#)
- SLR_Analyst (c#)
- UndoRedo (c#)
- WebViewBrowser (c#)
- WizardSample (c#)
- WorkingWithDAML (c#)
- XAML Icons (c#)
- DatagridMultiSelect (c#)
- DockpaneAndThreads (c#)
- DockpaneDragAndDropFeatureLayer (c#)
- DockpaneWithLayerFieldSelection (c#)
- DockpaneWithListCheckbox (c#)
- DockpaneWithProButtons (c#)
- ApplySymbology (c#)
- ApplySymbologyFromFeatureLayer (c#)
- CallScriptFromNet (c#)
- DeepThought (c#)
- DriveTimeGP (c#)
- ExecuteModelTool (c#)
- ExecuteSnap (c#)
- Geocode (c#)
- GeoprocessingExecuteAsync (c#)
- GeoProcessingHistory (c#)
- GeoProcesssingEventsWithUI (c#)
- GeoProcesssingWithMemoryGDB (c#)
- SimpleBufferExample (c#)
- ConstructingGeometries_CSharp (c#)
- ConstructingGeometries_VB (vb)
- CoordinateSystemDialog (c#)
- GeometrySamples (c#)
- MultipatchBuilderEx (c#)
- QueryGraphicBoundary (c#)
- RubiksCube (c#)
- AddDeleteFieldToFromFeatureClass (c#)
- CalculateStatistics (c#)
- DatastoresDefinitionsAndDatasets (c#)
- DDLAddField2FeatureClass (c#)
- DDLAddRemoveFields (c#)
- DDLCreateDeleteAttributeAndSpatialIndexes (c#)
- DDLCreateDeleteFeatureClassWithSubtypes (c#)
- DDLCreateDeleteRelationshipClass (c#)
- DDLCreateFeatureClass (c#)
- DeleteFeaturesBasedOnSubtype (c#)
- DeleteFeaturesBasedOnSubtypeVersioned (c#)
- DomainsUsage (c#)
- DynamicJoins (c#)
- FavoriteQueries (c#)
- FilterFeaturesBasedOnAttributesWithinAnExtent (c#)
- LayerGDBInfo (c#)
- ListGeodataContent (c#)
- MemoryGeodatabase (c#)
- QueryDefDataQuery (c#)
- ReplaceAttachments (c#)
- ValidateFeatures (c#)
- VersionUpdatePerformance (c#)
Map Authoring
- AddRasterLayer (c#)
- AddToMapCustomItem (c#)
- CIMExamples (c#)
- ColorPickerControl (c#)
- ConstructMarkerFromFont (c#)
- CustomSymbolPicker (c#)
- DisplayFilters (c#)
- GeocodingTools (c#)
- GetSymbolSwatch (c#)
- GraphicElementSymbolPicker (c#)
- GraphicsLayers (c#)
- GraphicTools (c#)
- LabelLineFeatures (c#)
- LayersPane (c#)
- MapDisplayUnits (c#)
- MappingAddIns (c#)
- OfflineMapping (c#)
- PlaceText (c#)
- ProceduralSymbolLayersWithRulePackages (c#)
- QueryBuilderControl (c#)
- Renderer (c#)
- SymbolControls (c#)
- SymbolLookup (c#)
- Symbology (c#)
- SymbolSearcherControl (c#)
- TextSymbols (c#)
- TransformationsControl (c#)
- TrayButtons (c#)
- WorkingWithRasterLayers (c#)
Map Exploration
- AnimationFromPath (c#)
- AnimationTools (c#)
- AttributeCustomDockpane (c#)
- BasicMapTool (c#)
- BingStreetside (c#)
- CameraNavigation (c#)
- ChangeDataSource (c#)
- CheckSelectionLayer (c#)
- ComboBoxSelectFeature (c#)
- ComboBoxShowingLayers (c#)
- CustomAnimation (c#)
- CustomIdentify (c#)
- CustomPaneWithContents (c#)
- CustomPopup (c#)
- DeviceTracker (c#)
- EVChargers (c#)
- FeatureSelection (c#)
- GraphicOverlay4Debug (c#)
- IdentifyWindow (c#)
- IdentifyWithSketchTool (c#)
- ImpersonateMapPane (c#)
- LayerPopups (c#)
- MagnifierWindow (c#)
- MapToolIdentify (c#)
- MapToolIdentifyWithDockpane (c#)
- MapToolOverlay (c#)
- MapToolSelect (c#)
- MapToolWithCustomPopup (c#)
- MapToolWithDynamicMenu (c#)
- MapToolWithEmbeddableControl (c#)
- MapToolWithOverlayControl (c#)
- MapToolZoom (c#)
- Overlay3D (c#)
- OverlayExamples (c#)
- OverlayGroundSurface (c#)
- OverviewMapControl (c#)
- OverviewTableControl (c#)
- ScreenCoordsToMapPoint (c#)
- ScribbleControl_ArcGISPro (c#)
- SelectionFromDockpaneList (c#)
- TableControl (c#)
- TableControlsDockpane (c#)
- TableFromCsv (c#)
- TimeNavigation (c#)
- WorkingWithQueryDefinitionFilters (c#)
- ZoomToSelectedFeatures (c#)
- DuplicateLayout (c#)
- LayoutMapSeries (c#)
- LayoutWithLabels (c#)
- MapPuzzle (c#)
- StyleElements (c#)
- TextElementAddin (c#)
- CreateReport (c#)
- CreateReportBasic (c#)
- ChangeColorizerForRasterLayer (c#)
- Colorizer (c#)
- CustomRasterIdentify (c#)
- LockToSelectedRasters (c#)
- MaskRaster (c#)
- RasterInspector (c#)
- ProDataReader (c#)
- ProSqlExpressReader (c#)
- SimplePointPluginTest (c#)
Parcel Fabric
- ImportPlatToFabric (c#)
- ParcelFabricMultistoryTool (c#)
Task Assistant
Utility Network
- AlternativeEnergizationAddIn (c#)
- CategoriesUsage (c#)
- ConfigurationPathsAddIn (c#)
- ControllerPath (c#)
- CreateTransformerBank (c#)
- ExportSubnetwork (c#)
- LoadReportSample (c#)
- SubstitutionAddIn (c#)
- ToFromWarehouse (c#)
- TraceNetworkSample (c#)
- ValidateChanges (c#)
Network Diagram
- BringUpSubnetworkNamesOnDiagramEdges (c#)
- CountAggregatedNetworkElements (c#)
- CreateDiagramWithACustomLayout (c#)
- CustomDiagramEditingTools (c#)
- CustomizeNetworkDiagramLayoutExecution (c#)
- EditDiagramJunctionRotation (c#)
- ExportDiagramToFeatureClasses (c#)
- ShowContainment (c#)
- ToggleSwitches (c#)
3D Analyst
- CreateLineOfSight (c#)
- GetLineOfSight (c#)
- LASDatasetAPISamples (c#)
- TINApiSamples (c#)
- JobManagement (c#)
- WorkflowManagerConfigSample (c#)
Data Reviewer
Core Host
- ArcGISProConfig (c#)
- ArcGISProConfigCoreHost (c#)
- CoreHostGDB (c#)
- CoreHostResolveAssembly (c#)
- CoreHostSample (c#)
- CoreHostTopologyAPI (c#)
- LivingAtlasOfTheWorld (c#)
- ShowLicense (c#)
- UploadItem (c#)
- UploadVtpkToAgol (c#)
Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please submit an issue on Esri Community | ArcGIS Pro SDK Questions.
Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.
Refer to this wiki for detailed instructions on the ArcGIS Pro SDK Samples submission process.
Copyright 2024 Esri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.
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