Project download
Alright, first off you're gonna want to go get both unity hub and unity 2019 4 40 and the unity project from the repo and run first the unity editor installer and install that
Then run the unity hub exe, register an account with unity and make a personal licence (free) you can check out this tutorial (watch until 1:22) and after that you should be ready to go, but if you get a window like the first image click on "locate existing install" and depending on where you installed the editor it's default location is "C:Program FilesUnity 2019.4.40f1" and set it to that or to the editor folder if that doesnt work then click the arrow next to "Add" and select from disk and then unzip the unity project from the repo and just select the folder from it (it should be called "E&S" select that)
NEW updated tutorial for 1.3.2
The user tutorial channel in the discord server
Some random docs made by moe and zodiac on discord
Assetripper project,Waffle,Imnotsimon all in help of Vanity (24//05/12 note: not yet out)
eternalunion for helping me alot during this project
All the community memebers who have contriubited tutorials and other such stuff