Instructions in other languages: English, Русский
This is a collection of JS scripts for Adobe Illustrator. All scripts created by me, sometimes using parts of other authors’ code. The Github Gist contains the small scripts that are not included in the main collection.
The descriptions for each file can be found in the file’s header text. Test environment: Illustrator CS6, CC 2019-2025 (Windows), CC 2019-2025 (Mac OS).
In the script description, click button.
The tab will open the script code.
PressCmd/Ctrl+Sfor download.
Download archive and unzip. All scripts are in the folder jsx
Place <script_name>.jsx
in the Illustrator Scripts folder:
OS X: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator [vers.]/Presets.localized/en_GB/Scripts
Windows (32 bit): C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Illustrator [vers.]Presetsen_GBScripts
Windows (64 bit): C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Illustrator [vers.] (64 Bit)Presetsen_GBScripts
RU lang: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Illustrator [версия]Стилиru_RUСценарии
Restart Illustrator
Scripts will be available in File → Scripts.
Drag and drop the script file (JS or JSX) onto the tabs of Illustrator documents. If you drag it to the area of the open document, the script may not work correctly (Adobe bug).
I recommend the Scripshon Trees or LAScripts panel. In it you can specify which folder your script files are stored in.
You can use them to create macros to run scripts with hotkeys.
SPAi (Mac OS, free)
Hammerspoon (Mac OS, free)
Keyboard Maestro (Mac OS, paid)
BetterTouchTool (Mac OS, paid)
AutoHotkey (Windows, free)
To run scripts via the F1-F15 hotkeys, users add them to the Actions panel. If another action is running inside the script, Illustrator will freeze. How do you check it? Open the script in a text editor, if you find app.doScript()
in the code, it is using an action. This is in all versions from CS6 to CC 2025 on Mac and Windows.
Many scripts are free to download thanks to user support. Help me to develop new scripts and update existing ones by supporting my work with any amount via Buymeacoffee USD
, ЮMoney RUB
, Tinkoff RUB
, Donatty RUB
, DonatePay RUB
. Thank you.
ExportSequence — script for toggle visibility of numbered objects in selected groups and exports document as sequence to PNGs or JPGs.
ColorToner — script for generating tints, shades, and tones from base colors.
GradientBlender — script to make gradients more accurate, smooth.
Ai2Ae — script for prepare Adobe Illustrator Layers for import into Adobe After Effects.
ArtboardsFromCSV — script for batch creation of artboards with names and dimensions defined in a CSV table.
Duplicate Artboards Pro — script for copying the selected Artboard with or without his Artwork.
HighlightText — script for adding highlighting strokes based on text lines.
ImportImagesByName — script for imports images from the specified folder by names from the contents of the selected text objects.
Click the category name to learn more about the scripts in the selected category.
ArtboardsFinder upd, 09.02.2024
ArtboardsRemapper upd, 19.02.2024
BatchRenamer upd, 21.01.2024
DuplicateArtboards upd, 09.02.2024
FitArtboardsToArtwork upd, 18.09.2023
MoveArtboards upd, 09.02.2024
RenameArtboardAsLayer upd, 12.09.2024
RenameArtboardAsSize upd, 12.09.2024
RenameArtboardAsTopObj upd, 12.09.2024
AverageColors 27.03.2022
BeautifySwatchNames 31.10.2024
ColorBlindSimulator 18.04.2022
ColorCorrector new, 21.06.2024
ColorGroupReplacer 08.10.2023
ContrastChecker 23.07.2024
ConvertToGradient upd, 09.02.2024
CycleColors upd, 09.02.2024
MatchColors upd, 20.05.2024
StrokeColorFromFill upd, 12.02.2024
DrawPathBySelectedPoints 10.03.2023
DrawRectanglesByArtboards new, 29.07.2024
NumeratesPoints upd, 22.12.2022
RandomScribble upd, 09.02.2024
Export selection as AI upd, 06.10.2022
ExportToDXF upd, 04.05.2023
ExtractFromGroup new, 05.05.2024
GroupArtboardObjects new, 11.06.2024
MaskArtboards new, 29.07.2024
MoveToGroup upd, 09.02.2024
AlignToArtboards upd, 06.11.2023
BatchTrace upd, 07.06.2023
DuplicateToArtboards upd, 09.02.2024
FitSelectionToArtboards upd, 22.04.2024
MirrorMove upd, 07.08.2024
PlaceSymbols new, 16.08.2024
RenameItems upd, 20.05.2024
Rescale upd, 09.02.2024
ResizeOnLargerSide upd, 22.12.2022
ResizeToSize upd, 09.02.2024
RoundCoordinates upd, 22.12.2022
SwapObjects upd, 24.03.2024
RememberSelectionLayers upd, 26.02.2022
RenameLayerAsText upd, 09.02.2024
SortLayerItems 29.08.2022
DivideBottomPath 22.02.2023
SetPointsCoordinates upd, 09.02.2024
PointsMoveRandom upd, 09.02.2024
SplitPath upd, 09.02.2024
SubtractTopPath 03.04.2022
TrimOpenEnds upd, 22.02.2023
CornersSelector 21.04.2023
NamedItemsFinder upd, 09.02.2024
SelectAllLayersAbove 21.02.2022
SelectAllLayersBelow 21.02.2022
SelectBySwatches upd, 22.04.2024
SelectPointsByType upd, 09.02.2024
SelectRotatedItems 22.06.2022
AverageStrokesWidth 07.02.2023
ChangeOpacity upd, 09.02.2024
MakeTrappingStroke upd, 09.02.2024
OpacityMaskClip upd, 05.03.2024
RandomStrokeWidth upd, 14.10.2022
StrokesWeightUp upd, 23.07.2024
StrokesWeightDown upd, 23.07.2024
AlignTextBaseline upd, 09.02.2024
MakeNumbersSequence upd, 26.03.2024
MultiEditText upd, 12.04.2024
ReplaceFormattedText 29.12.2022
CheckPixelPerfect 03.02.2022
DocumentSwitcher new, 28.08.2024
Zoom And Center upd, 28.08.2024
I am very thankful for such a nice and useful scripts. It makes my life easy and more productive - Rizwan Abuzar
You are a hero. Thank you for all your hard work improving illustrator so it saves countless hours for people worldwide via your scripts - Nitcho
Sergey, these scripts of yours are great — Terry Foxx
Wow. I just installed and successfully tested. Outstanding work!!! — Zak Lay
Tried your script to export selected objects to separate Ai, works smartly — Dmitry
I looked at your post. Useful scripts! — Askhat Gilyakhov
Thank you for such wonderful scripts — Oleg Zybailov
Very powerful and user-friendly, cover a lot of gaps — Egor Chistyakov
I'm a big fan of your scripts. Absolutely amazing work — David Nightingale
You are the best ever script editor. All scripts are amazing and useful for designers and time saver. Thank you for your supporting — Tuan Hijas Musaffer
Don't forget sharing link with a friend ?
Found a bug? Please submit a new issues on GitHub.
Tips, tricks and scripts bugs for Adobe Illustrator: English, Русский.
Email [email protected]
Telegram @sergosokin
All scripts is licensed under the MIT licence.
See the included LICENSE file for more details.