Dragonfly V Social Chat IM·Short Video Live Broadcast System. The Dragonfly V system is the latest product released in June 2021. The Dragonfly V system is a product that integrates the four core functions of social networking, chat IM, short video, and live broadcast. It is suitable for comprehensive Procurement by enterprises and institutions of gender application platform. , the Dragonfly system is gradually becoming fully open source. If it is helpful to you, I hope to give you a little star to encourage you. Thank you for your support.
Dragonfly series software architecture
vue + nuve +uniapp +flutter + java + php +laravel
node.js +springboot2.2+springmvc+druid+mybatis+mangoDB+mysql+shiro-redis+redis+activemq
This library is the front end of Dragonfly v. The front end of Dragonfly v uses flutter.