ttltChat (online_chat) online chat software is an online chat software written in PHP; introducing online_chat is simple and convenient; the online_chat server structure is divided into a server service program and a web API; the server service program is written in native PHP and also uses the thinkphp framework Exception handling; thinkphp is used for the api part of the web. branch
The following characteristics are maintained
Supports tens of thousands of people to chat online at the same time.
Supported message types include text, pictures, voice messages, short videos, rich text, and files.
Support windows and linux systems.
Supports composer installation (recommended).
Supported chat types include friend chat, group chat, customer service, and time consultation.
ttltChat online chat software installation
1. Install PHP extensions: socket, event, fileinfo, openssl.
2. Import the database file: online_chat.sql.
3. Modify the database configuration file config/database.php or vendor/dzgz/online-chat/config/database.php.
4. Modify config/chat.php or vendor/dzgz/online-chat/config/chat.php.