In accordance with the Terms of Use of the Code for Life website, all copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in and relating to Code for Life (including all content of the Code for Life website, the Rapid Router application, the Kurono application, related software (including any drawn and/or animated avatars, whether or not such avatars have any modifications) and any other games, applications or any other content that we make available from time to time) are owned by Ocado Innovation Limited.
The source code of the Code for Life portal, the Rapid Router application and the Kurono/aimmo application are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License. All other assets including images, logos, sounds etc., are not covered by this licence and no-one may copy, modify, distribute, show in public or create any derivative work from these assets.
Code for Life has been developed by Ocado Technology as a free, open-source project to inspire the next generation of computer scientists and to help teachers deliver the computing curriculum.
This repository hosts the source code of the main website, which includes the registration, log in, teacher and student dashboards, the teaching materials, etc.
We are open to contributors from anywhere around the world. Please read ahead if you'd like to get involved.
Developer Guide
Good First Issues
How to set up your work environment