Version: 20191012
Author: Steve Magnuson, AG7GN
These scripts are used to install/update various ham radio applications as well as regular Raspbian Buster updates
The script, which is run when you run Raspberry > Hamradio > Update Pi and Ham Apps, automaticall checks to see if it needs to update itself and related update apps. If an update is available, it will automatically install it and tell you that an update was applied.
Alternatively, you can install these scripts manually as follows:
Open a terminal and run:
cd ~
rm -rf hamapps/
git clone
sudo cp hamapps/*.sh /usr/local/bin
sudo cp hamapps/*.desktop /usr/local/share/applications/
rm -rf hamapps is called from (see "Run from Raspberry Menu" below) when updates or new installs of ham radio applications are requested. It can also be run directly: See "Run from Command Line" below.
Note: Double-clicking an app name will open a browser to a link with information about that app.
Open a Terminal and run:
Read the instructions. Installation or upgrade of ham radio applications will take a few minutes or an hour or so depending on how many and what apps you install/upgrade.