is an HTTP package for Go
that helps you prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
It acts like a middleware and therefore
is compatible with basically any Go HTTP application.
Even though CSRF is a prominent vulnerability, Go's web-related package infrastructure mostly consists of micro-frameworks that neither do implement CSRF checks, nor should they.
solves this problem by providing a CSRFHandler
that wraps your http.Handler
and checks for CSRF attacks
on every non-safe (non-GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE) method.
requires Go 1.1 or later.
Supports any http.Handler
(frameworks, your own handlers, etc.)
and acts like one itself.
Allows exempting specific endpoints from CSRF checks by an exact URL, a glob, or a regular expression.
Allows specifying your own failure handler.
Want to present the hacker with an ASCII middle finger
instead of the plain old HTTP 400
? No problem.
Uses masked tokens to mitigate the BREACH attack.
Has no dependencies outside the Go standard library.
package mainimport ("fmt""""html/template""net/http")var templateString string = `<!doctype html><html><body>{{ if .name }}<p>Your name: {{ .name }}</p>{{ end }}<form action="/" method="POST"><input type="text" name="name"><!-- Try removing this or changing its value and see what happens --><input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{ .token }}"><input type="submit" value="Send"></form></body></html>`var templ = template.Must(template.New("t1").Parse(templateString))func myFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {context := make(map[string]string)context["token"] = nosurf.Token(r)if r.Method == "POST" {context["name"] = r.FormValue("name") }templ.Execute(w, context) }func main() {myHandler := http.HandlerFunc(myFunc)fmt.Println("Listening on")http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nosurf.New(myHandler)) }
In some cases the CSRF token may be send through a non standard way, e.g. a body or request is a JSON encoded message with one of the fields being a token.
In such case the handler(path) should be excluded from an automatic verification by using one of the exemption methods:
func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptFunc(fn func(r *http.Request) bool)func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptGlob(pattern string)func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptGlobs(patterns ...string)func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptPath(path string)func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptPaths(paths ...string)func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptRegexp(re interface{})func (h *CSRFHandler) ExemptRegexps(res ...interface{})
Later on, the token must be verified by manually getting the token from the cookie
and providing the token sent in body through: VerifyToken(tkn, tkn2 string) bool
func HandleJson(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {d := struct{X,Y intTkn string }{}json.Unmarshal(ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body), &d)if !nosurf.VerifyToken(nosurf.Token(r), d.Tkn) {http.Errorf(w, "CSRF token incorrect", http.StatusBadRequest)return }// do smth cool}
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Branch off, commit, test.
Make a pull request / attach the commits to the issue.