custom duelingbook
(you can also configure this in the settings): opens the ruling database entry for the current card in the detailed viewUsing the macro function you can do many things, for example:
-- My Category Name
Button Name | message to send
Button name | message 1 | message 2 | message 3
Variable | Holds |
currentLP |
Your current lifepoints |
halfOfLP |
Half of your current lifepoints |
topUsername |
The username of the player at the top |
botUsername |
The username of the player at the bottom (usually yourself) |
atkAllMonsters |
The combined ATK of all monsters on the field that you can see |
defAllMonsters |
The combined DEF of all monsters on the field that you can see |
atkAllFaceUpMonsters |
The combined ATK of all face up monsters on the field that you can see |
defAllFaceUpMonsters |
The combined DEF of all face up monsters on the field that you can see |
Hello | Hello ${topUsername} :) I'm the real ${botUsername}
LP*2 | /add ${currentLP}
LP/2 | /sub ${halfOfLP}
Function | Action Perfomed |
waitInMs(number) |
Waits for the specified amount of milliseconds before doing the next action in the macro |
addFromDeckToHand(cardNames) |
Adds cards from your Deck to your hand. If the card is not found in your Deck the Deck will just be shuffled |
sendFromDeckToGY(cardNames) |
Sends cards from your Deck to your GY |
specialFromDeckInAtk(cardName) |
opens the zone selection and then Special Summons a monster from your Deck to that zone in Attack Position |
specialFromDeckInDef(cardName) |
opens the zone selection and then Special Summons a monster from your Deck to that zone in Defense Position |
specialFromDeckInAtkRandomZone(cardNames) |
Special Summons monsters from your Deck to an available zone chosen by DB in Attack Position |
specialFromDeckInDefRandomZone(cardNames) |
Special Summons monsters from your Deck to an available zone chosen by DB in Defense Position |
specialFromDeckInAtkToZone(cardName~zone) |
Special Summons a monster from your Deck to an available zone from your given list in Attack Position |
specialFromDeckInDefToZone(cardName~zone) |
Special Summons a monster from your Deck to an available zone from your given list in Defense Position |
specialFromExtraDeckInAtk(cardName) |
Opens the zone selection and then Special Summons a monster from your extra Deck to that zone in Attack Position |
specialFromExtraDeckInDef(cardName) |
Opens the zone selection and then Special Summons a monster from your extra Deck to that zone in Defense Position |
specialFromExtraDeckInAtkRandomZone(cardNames) |
Special Summons monsters from your extra Deck to an available zone chosen by DB in Attack Position |
specialFromExtraDeckInDefRandomZone(cardNames) |
Special Summons monsters from your extra Deck to an available zone chosen by DB in Defense Position |
specialFromExtraDeckInAtkToZone(cardName~zone) |
Special Summons a monster from your extra Deck to an available zone from your given list in Attack Position |
specialFromExtraDeckInDefToZone(cardName~zone) |
Special Summons a monster from your extra Deck to an available zone from your given list in Defense Position |
sendFromExtraDeckToGY(cardNames) |
Sends cards from your extra Deck to your GY |
specialSummonToken() |
Special Summons a token |
specialSummonTokenToZone(zone) |
Special Summons a token to an available zone from your given list |
sendAllControllingMonstersFromFieldToGY(cardPosition~FaceUpDown) |
Sends all monsters with given Position (Attack/Defense/both) and (FaceUp/FaceDown), or all if no Position given, to the GY |
sendAllOwnSpellTrapsFromFieldToGY() |
Sends all your Spell and Trap cards from your field to the GY |
sendFromFieldToGY(cardNames) |
Sends monsters you control to the GY |
banishFromGY(cardNames) |
Banishes monsters from your GY |
activateSpellTrapFromDeck(cardNames) |
activates a Spell or Trap card from your Deck |
activateSpellTrapFromDeckToZone(cardName~zone) |
activates a Spell or Trap card from your Deck to an available zone from your given list |
specialFromGYInAtk(cardName) |
opens the zone selection and then Special Summons a monster from your GY to that zone in Attack Position |
specialFromGYInDef(cardName) |
opens the zone selection and then Special Summons a monster from your GY to that zone in Defense Position |
specialFromGYInAtkRandomZone(cardNames) |
Special Summons monsters from your GY to an available zone chosen by DB in Attack Position |
specialFromGYInDefRandomZone(cardNames) |
Special Summons monsters from your GY to an available zone chosen by DB in Defense Position |
specialFromGYInAtkToZone(cardName~zone) |
Special Summons a monster from your GY to an available zone from your given list in Attack Position |
specialFromGYInDefToZone(cardName~zone) |
Special Summons a monster from your GY to an available zone from your given list in Defense Position |
discard(cardNames) |
Discards monsters from your hand to your GY |
addFromGYToHand(cardNames) |
Adds cards from your GY to your hand |
fromBanishToTopOfDeck(cardNames) |
Returns banished cards to the top of your Deck |
fromGYToTopOfDeck(cardNames) |
Returns cards in your GY to the top of your Deck |
fromFieldToTopOfDeck(cardNames) |
Returns cards from your field to the top of your Deck |
shuffleDeck() |
Shuffles your Deck |
moveZone(cardName~zone) |
MOVES a card on the field to an available zone from your given list |
overlayMonsters(cardName~materialName) |
Overlays a monster with 1 or more materials |
specialSummonMultipleTokens(count) |
Summons multiple tokens to available zones chosen by DB |
returnAllFromHandToTopOfDeck() |
Returns all cards in your hand to the top of your Deck |
banishFromHand(cardNames) |
Banishes cards from your hand |
banishFromDeck(cardNames) |
Banishes cards from your Deck |
flipDownMonsters(cardNames) |
Flips down monsters |
flipUpMonsters(cardNames) |
Flips up monsters |
changeToAtk(cardNames) |
Changes monsters to Attack Position |
changeToDef(cardNames) |
Changes monsters to Defense Position |
normalSetToRandomZone(cardName) |
Normal Sets a monster to a random zone |
normalSetToZone(cardName~zone) |
Normal Sets a monster to an available zone from your given list |
normalSummonToRandomZone(cardName) |
Normal Summons a monster to a random zone |
normalSummonToZone(cardName~zone) |
Normal Summons a monsters to an available zone from your given list |
addCountersToCards(count~cardNames) |
Adds counters to cards |
removeCountersFromCards(count~cardNames) |
Removes counters from cards |
Hello | Hello | ${waitInMs(2000)} | Bye
Send DPE Garnets | ${sendFromDeckToGY(Destiny HERO - Celestial~Destiny HERO - Dasher)}
SS Driver | ${specialFromDeckInAtkRandomZone(PSY-Frame Driver)}
Hello | Hello ${topUsername}, good luck have fun.
CHAIN | I'll chain to that.
Nibiru :( | The total stats of all face up monsters on the field are ${atkAllFaceUpMonsters} ATK / ${defAllFaceUpMonsters} DEF | ${sendAllControllingMonstersFromFieldToGY(Both~FaceUp)} | ${specialSummonToken()}
-- LP
LP/2 | /sub ${halfOfLP}
-- SS
SS Driver Zone | ${specialFromDeckInAtk(PSY-Frame Driver)}
SS Driver | ${specialFromDeckInAtkRandomZone(PSY-Frame Driver)} | Thinking on zone
SS Driver Def | ${specialFromDeckInDefRandomZone(PSY-Frame Driver)} | Thinking on zone
-- Deck to GY
Mill 1 | /mill 1
Verte Fusion Destiny | /sub 2000 | ${sendFromDeckToGY(Fusion Destiny)}
Send DPE Garnets | ${sendFromDeckToGY(Destiny HERO - Celestial~Destiny HERO - Dasher)}
Send Dragoon Garnets | ${sendFromDeckToGY(Dark Magician~Red-Eyes Black Dragon)}
-- Search
Add Invo | ${addFromDeckToHand(Invocation)}