To launch a Danbooru instance in your browser:
Create a Github account.
Click Open in Github Codespaces.
Click the Create new codespace
Wait a few minutes for it to launch.
When it's done, you'll have a new Danbooru instance with a full development environment running in your browser. This way you can try out Danbooru without installing anything on your computer.
See the Codespaces section in the Docker Guide to learn more.
Run this to start a Danbooru instance:
sh -c "$(curl -sSL"
This will install Docker Compose and start Danbooru. When it's done, Danbooru will be running at http://localhost:3000.
Alternatively, if you already have Docker Compose installed, you can do:
git clone danbooru touch .env.local config/danbooru_local_config.rb sudo docker compose up
When you're done, you can run the following to delete everything:
sudo docker compose down --volumes # Delete all data and images in your Danbooru instance.sudo docker image prune # Clean up all unused Docker images.rm -rf ~/danbooru # Delete the Danbooru code.
See the Docker Guide for more information on running Danbooru using Docker. This is the recommended way to run Danbooru.
Alternatively, you may use the Manual Installation Guide to install Danbooru without Docker. Manual installation is much more difficult than using Docker, and therefore is not recommended or officially supported.
For help, ask in the #technical channel on the Danbooru Discord, or in the discussions area on Github.
Danboou depends on a couple of cloud services and several microservices to implement certain features.
The following features require an Amazon AWS account:
Pool history
Post history
The following features require a Google Cloud account:
BigQuery database export
IQDB integration is delegated to the IQDB service.
In order to access pool and post histories you will need to install and configure the Archives service.
The following features are delegated to the Reportbooru service:
Post views
Missed searches report
Popular searches report
Post recommendations require the Recommender service.