AI writes novels and supports N/A/I card GPU acceleration. Use my RWKV model, which is faster than GPT. Training code: https://github.com/BlinkDL/RWKV-LM.
N card model: https://github.com/BlinkDL/AI-Writer/releases/tag/v2022-02-15
A/I card model: https://github.com/BlinkDL/AI-Writer/releases/tag/v2022-02-15-A
Novice users, please see the web version: https://blinkdl.github.io/AI-Writer/ (much weaker, but you can write by clicking it on your mobile phone)
Python version installation method:
It also supports CPU exe generation. To download, please add: user QQ group 553456870 (please introduce yourself briefly when joining). Friends with R&D capabilities can join the group 325154699. There is also a user TG group: https://t.me/ai_writer.
Also, please read, at the end of this page, I will explain the principles of the model, even if you don’t know computers, you can understand it.
Python version web interface: execute python server.py (or double-click server.bat) and open index.html in web-client (Chrome is recommended).
Note: The training data for the model all comes from online articles and lacks common sense in life. Generated text is for entertainment purposes only. Please comply with laws and regulations.
At the same time, a special sampling method is used to improve the generation quality of small models (see https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/394766831 for an introduction).
My Zhihu is https://www.zhihu.com/people/bopengbopeng.
Paddle version transplanted by netizens: https://github.com/JunnYu/Paddle-AI-Writer.
Installation method (please install the exact version. For example, install python 3.8.x; for Windows, please upgrade to win10 64-bit 21H1):
Windows小白:先试QQ群文件的【纯CPU exe版】,但CPU需要AVX2(例如intel四代以上),不支持AVX2就用【WindowsCPU版】
Windows有N卡:装python3.8,CUDA 11.1,CUDNN,torch1.9.1+cu111(在QQ群文件都有)。用940mx也能跑。用1050ti就挺快。目前只需要2G显存,以后需要4G显存
Windows有A/I卡:装python3.8,pip install torch onnxruntime-directml。用A/I卡模型。在 run.py 和 server.py 设置为 dml 模式
WindowsCPU版:装python3.8,pip install torch,用N卡模型。在 run.py 和 server.py 设置为 cpu 模式
1. 先打开 run.py 和 server.py 看里面的设置。例如,玄幻和言情模型,需要在里面手工切换。
2. no module named 'xxx' --> 执行 pip install xxx 缺什么就装什么。注意N卡GPU版需要装pytorch的cuda版。注意A/I卡GPU版需要装onnxruntime-directml。
3. module 'torch' has no attribute 'tile' --> 需要 pytorch 1.9 以后版本。
4. no such file or directory: 'model/xxx' --> 先确定模型解压到 model 目录。然后在命令行需要先进入项目所在的目录,再用python运行py。
5. 怎么设置每次续写多少字 --> 修改run.py和server.py的LENGTH_OF_EACH。可以设置9999999也没问题,但是,单次写很长,容易出现无限循环。
6. 怎么训练 --> https://github.com/BlinkDL/RWKV-LM 不懂就加QQ群143626394(加入时请简单自我介绍)。
7. 写作原理 --> 每次分析最后的512个字,得到下一个字的概率分布(xx%概率是x字,等等),根据概率写一个字。这样一个个字写下去。
8. ctx_len是什么意思 --> 模型的记忆长度,就是每次只看最后的多少个字。越大效果越好也越慢。目前最大512。
Training tutorials written by group friends:
How to run after training:
1. 默认 RWKV-LM 训练的模型很小,所以,需要修改 AI-writer 的 run.py,设置 ctx_len n_layer n_head 和 RWKV-LM 的 train.py 一致。还有 WORD_NAME(json词表) MODEL_NAME。
2. 在 run.py 的 UNKNOWN_CHAR,将 ue083 改成词表中一个不可能在正常文字出现的uxxxx乱码,或某个最罕见的字(字不需要符号)。意思是,如果看见不在词表里面的字,就用 UNKNOWN_CHAR 代表。
3. 如果用 server.py,也同样修改。
If you find it useful, you are welcome to support the project:
New fantasy model effects:
Romance model effect [The yellow character is the beginning of the user input, followed by the model continuation]:
当霏微萧瑟与车水马龙相遇,烟雨朦胧,如雾如尘,古巷的一切热闹都被包裹在这片忽然而至的雨色夜空中。淅淅沥沥的雨声没能完全掩盖烟火 燃放的砰响,一切显得真切而又隐约。烟雨如墨,月光铺在地上,将沙发、沙发、小沙发都点染成一片银色,触目惊心。
当霏微萧瑟与车水马龙相遇,烟雨朦胧,如雾如尘,古巷的一切热闹都被包裹在这片忽然而至的雨色夜空中。淅淅沥沥的雨声没能完全掩盖烟火 燃放的砰响,一切显得真切而又隐约。
Old model effect:
The principle of computers is the tactics of sea of questions + the stupid bird flies first. It turns words into many numbers, and then finds the mathematical (statistical) laws of these numbers.
The learning goal of the computer: input a bunch of words and predict the next word.
My little model supports 8849 characters. Each word corresponds to two groups of numbers, each group has 768 numbers.
First, encoding.
The actual code found may not necessarily have an easily describable dimensional meaning.
In short, if you enter 512 characters, it will become 512*768 = 393216 numbers.
Second, the model will perform calculations on these 393216 numbers (operating with tens of millions of other numbers, and these tens of millions of numbers will also be continuously adjusted), and finally get 768 numbers. This process is the most interesting and can be explained later.
Third, compare the 768 numbers with the [output group] of 8849 words, and calculate the proximity to each word, which is the probability of outputting this word.