CVPR 2021 Workshops
Visdom: a data visualization tool
Objectron Dataset
JupyterLab 3.0 is released
Robustness Metrics
DeiT: Data-efficient image Transformers
AI Debate 2: Moving AI Forward
NVIDIA Inception Alliance with GE Healthcare and Nuance
NeurIPS Meetup Japan 2020
The Language Interpretability Tool (LIT)
Image Expert Models
MinDiff Framework
Apple M1 chip
Papers with Code & Arxiv partnership
VLFeat Library gets an award
M2M-100 — multilingual machine translation
NeurIPS 2020 Accepted Papers
NVIDIA to acquire Arm
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization
GeForce RTX 30 Series
NLP Specialization — Attention Models
TensorFlow Lite Micro support on the ESP32
Objax: a new high-level JAX API
Apple's AI/ML residency program
Semantic MapNet
Danfo.js: a Pandas-like Library in JavaScript
ECCV 2020 Conference
Model Card Toolkit for Easier Model Transparency Reporting
Real World Reinforcement Learning (RWRL) simulation suite
Google offers career certificates equivalent to 4-year degrees
IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award 2021
GPT-3 codes up a website for you
ICML 2020 Outstanding Paper Awards
ACL 2020 Best Paper Award
Deep Learning with PyTorch
MIT takes down Tiny Images dataset due to offensive content
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science
Keen: Machine Learning based version of Pinterest
The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)
CVPR 2020 (virtual)
NeurIPS 2020 fully virtual
ICML 2020 Accepted Papers
NeurIPS 2020 Competitions
New Raspberry PI device released
GameGAN: NVIDIA recreates PAC-MAN
ACL 2020 announced accepted papers
NVIDIA released a new GPU: A100
Hugging Face models' performance visualization
The Big Bad NLP Database
OSS release of pytorch-pfn-extras
New website for Keras has been launched
Reinforcement Learning with Augmented Data (RAD)
CNN Explainer
Facebook AI releases Blender
Virtual ICLR 2020
Facebook and AWS introduce TorchServe
PyTorch v1.5 release
MONAI: An Open Source AI Framework for Healthcare Research
The AI For Medicine Specialization
OpenAI Microscope
We lost John Horton Conway
ML Code Completeness Checklist
Image Matching Benchmark and Challenge
Waymo: Automated Data Augmentation
ACM Prize in Computing Awarded to AlphaGo Lead David Silver
Keras turned 5
Facebook releases SynSin
Turing Award 2019 winners: Patrick M. Hanrahan and Edwin E. Catmull
NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
Stanford NLP Group releases Stanza
Google announced TensorFlow Developer Certificate
ICLR 2020 as a fully virtual conference due to the coronavirus spreading
Google announced TensorFlow Quantum: An Open Source Library for Quantum Machine Learning
Researchers from Microsoft have created AI ethics checklist with nearly 50 engineers from a dozen tech companies
Google announced a new neural-network library: Neural Tangents
Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua Bengio have been invited to AAAI-2020 conference to give a talk
Powerful antibiotic discovered using machine learning for first time
OpenAI releases GPT-2 774M parameter model
TF 2.0 is now available
GPT-2 and BERT on-device with Swift and CoreML
Microsoft invests $1B in OpenAI
pip install pytorch-transformers
ICLR 2020 First Call for Papers
Google ML Summit in Tokyo
New course: A Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Semantic Sanity
ICML 2019: Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning
Research: AI is a ‘welcome boost’ that could add millions to GDP
Expanded dataset: More MNIST examples
Facebook upgraded its AI services
G-7 Science Academies release statements on AI
ML algorithm predicts heart attacks with 90% accuracy
Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection
Tesla Autonomy Day
OpenAI Five defeats Dota 2 world champions @OGesports
Ian Goodfellow changes from Google Brain to Apple
Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio win Turing Award
NVIDIA introduces the Jetson Nano - a small AI computer
OpenAI changes from non-profit to for-profit
TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha release
GauGans tool turns doodles into photorealistic landscapes
New to Microsoft 365: A nice ML use case for data entry
Google open sourced GPipe
OpenAI released Activation Atlas
Coursera: Andrew Ng launched AI for Everyone
DeepMind: ML can increase the value of wind energy
Lingvo: TF framework for sequence modeling tasks open sourced