A Quilt library handling player inventory locking. Can also be used as a standalone mod, through the /locki
This mod must be installed on both server and client to work properly.
Locki represents slots using inventory nodes. Inventory nodes are structured as a tree, allowing commands
or mods to quickly lock or unlock entire sections while retaining controls over finer units.
Inventory nodes are represented as a dot-separated path, from least specific ancestor to most specific child node.
For example inventory
describes the entirety of the player's inventory, while inventory.armor.chest
describes the chestplate slot of the inventory.
When an inventory node gets locked, descendant nodes can still be unlocked, allowing you to exclude specific slots
from a broad access ban. For example, locking inventory
then unlocking inventory.armor.chest
will prevent the player
from touching any item in their inventory except their chestplate.
Locki adds the /locki
command, allowing server operators and mapmakers to interact with the API through
/locki lock <node> [<targets>] [<lock>]
: locks the inventories of one or more players
: a full path describing a known inventory node.[<targets>]
(optional) : If specified, must be either a player's username or a target selector. If unspecified, defaults to the player using the command. When used in a command block, player is not optional.[<lock>]
(optional) : If specified, must be a valid identifier referencing a registered lock. If unspecified, defaults to the generic "command" lock./locki unlock <node> [<targets>] [<lock>]
: unlocks the inventories of one or more players
(optional) : If specified, must be either a player's username or a target selector. If unspecified, defaults to the player using the command. When used in a command block, player is not optional.[<lock>]
(optional) : If specified, must be a valid identifier that was previously used as a lock to affect the players' inventories. If left unspecified, defaults to the generic "command" lock.If you have LuckPerms installed, the above commands can be used by players with the locki.command.lock
If you only grant locki.command.lock.self
, players will only be able to use the commands on themselves.
if (Permissions.check(player, "locki.access.inventory.armor.head", true)) {
// nothing is locking the head slot
For a list of default inventory nodes, see DefaultInventoryNodes.java.
Simply prepend the desired node's full path with locki.access.
before checking.
You can add the library by inserting the following in your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
name = "Ladysnake Mods"
url = "https://maven.ladysnake.org/releases"
content {
includeGroup 'io.github.ladysnake'
includeGroup 'org.ladysnake'
includeGroupByRegex '(dev|io\.github)\.onyxstudios.*'
maven {
name = "Nexus Repository Manager"
url = 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots'
dependencies {
modImplementation "org.ladysnake:locki:${locki_version}"
include "org.ladysnake:locki:${locki_version}"
// locki dependencies
include "me.lucko:fabric-permissions-api:${fpa_version}"
include "org.ladysnake.cardinal-components-api:cardinal-components-base:${cca_version}"
include "org.ladysnake.cardinal-components-api:cardinal-components-entity:${cca_version}"
You can then add the library version to your gradle.properties
# Locki
locki_version = 0.x.y
# Fabric Permissions API
fpa_version = 0.1-SNAPSHOT
# Cardinal Components
cca_version = 2.x.y
You can find the current version of Locki in the releases tab of the repository on Github, and the latest CCA version in the appropriate repository.
public static boolean isMainHandLocked(PlayerEntity player) {
return InventoryKeeper.get(player).isLocked(DefaultInventoryNodes.MAIN_HAND);
public static final InventoryLock MY_LOCK = Locki.registerLock("mymod", "awesome_feature");
public static void toggleInventoryExceptHands(PlayerEntity player) {
if (MY_LOCK.isLocking(player, DefaultInventoryNodes.INVENTORY)) {
MY_LOCK.unlockInventory(player); // equivalent to unlock(player, DefaultInventoryNodes.INVENTORY)
} else {
MY_LOCK.lockInventory(player); // equivalent to lock(player, DefaultInventoryNodes.INVENTORY)
MY_LOCK.unlock(player, DefaultInventoryNodes.HANDS);