curl -L -o /tmp/axfeed.sh https://adsbexchange.com/feed.sh
sudo bash /tmp/axfeed.sh
curl -L -o /tmp/axstats.sh https://adsbexchange.com/stats.sh
sudo bash /tmp/axstats.sh
Install / Update:
sudo bash /usr/local/share/adsbexchange/git/install-or-update-interface.sh
sudo bash /usr/local/share/tar1090/uninstall.sh adsbx
curl -L -o /tmp/axupdate.sh https://adsbexchange.com/feed-update.sh
sudo bash /tmp/axupdate.sh
sudo journalctl -u adsbexchange-feed --no-pager
sudo journalctl -u adsbexchange-mlat --no-pager
cat /etc/default/adsbexchange
This is the same as the initial installation. If the client is up to date it should not take as long as the original installation, otherwise this will also update the client which will take a moment.
curl -L -o /tmp/axfeed.sh https://adsbexchange.com/feed.sh
sudo bash /tmp/axfeed.sh
sudo sed --follow-symlinks -i -e 's/RESULTS=.*/RESULTS=""/' /etc/default/adsbexchange
sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-mlat
sudo sed --follow-symlinks -i -e 's/RESULTS=.*/RESULTS="--results beast,connect,"/' /etc/default/adsbexchange
sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-mlat
sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-feed
sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-mlat
sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-mlat
sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-feed
sudo bash /usr/local/share/adsbexchange/uninstall.sh
If the above doesn't work, you may be using an old version that didn't have the uninstall script, just disable the services and the scripts won't run anymore:
sudo systemctl disable --now adsbexchange-feed
sudo systemctl disable --now adsbexchange-mlat