Welcome to wizwiz
Easy to sell with wizwizxui-timebot easy install with few clicks
wizwiz is a powerful and professional robot that supports several types of panels and is the best option for sale, supports most protocols and has easy installation. This robot is optimized for the dear people of Iran. It is a great alternative to selling so that you can get to work.
Installation Ubuntu-20.4
If your server does not have root access, please grant root access with "sudo -i" command and then install
Create a bot in @botfather and /start it
The first option asks you for a domain, you must set the ip server for the domain and then enter it according to the example
Enter the installation command in the console and enter the required items to complete the installation.
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wizwizdev/wizwizxui-timebot/main/wizwiz.sh)
First enter "sub.domain.com" or "domain.com" without https
Enter email
Enter y
Enter 2
Enter username database
Enter password database
Enter token
Enter Numerical ID of admin from @userinfobot
Re-enter "sub.domain.com" or "domain.com" without https
Very good, the installation message ( ✅ The wizwiz bot has been successfully installed! ) is sent to the bot
Update bot - Update panel - backup - remove wizwiz
With every update and backup, a notification is sent to the manager robot
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wizwizdev/wizwizxui-timebot/main/update.sh)
Supported Panels
sudo bash -c "$(curl -sL https://github.com/Gozargah/Marzban-scripts/raw/master/marzban.sh)" @ install
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english/master/install.sh)
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mhsanaei/3x-ui/master/install.sh) v1.7.9
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alireza0/x-ui/master/install.sh) 1.5.5
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vaxilu/x-ui/master/install.sh)
Tron (TRX): TY8j7of18gbMtneB8bbL7SZk5gcntQEemG
Bitcoin: bc1qcnkjnqvs7kyxvlfrns8t4ely7x85dhvz5gqge4
Dogecoin: DMyGMghEh4W55P3VeVHntCN3vYAFtshvVH
nowpayments - zarinpal - nextpay portal and rial currency
Support for - xtls - tls - reality - Grpc - ws - tcp
vless - vmess - trojan support
The possibility of extending the service
Display the configuration profile as a sub (in the v2ray software)
Representation (individual and mass purchase - configuration management - sales statistics, etc.)
Ability to search purchased configurations for easy access (representative)
View configuration information on the web
Button to register the link to renew and update the config (not purchased from bot)
Config QRcode button
Delete configuration by user (delete from x-ui panel and database + delete notification)
Ability to add volume and time on desired server + notification
Ability to deduct balance from user credit
Ability to disconnect and receive a new link by the user (change uuid)
Ability to update the connection (according to your changes in the panel)
The ability to change the config name (random and normal)
Determining the configuration name when purchasing by the user (custom plan)
Smart subscription
Filtering status of servers
Automatic relocation
Increasing volume and service time
ability to pass
The possibility of ordering the desired design by the user
Authentication of Iranian and foreign contact numbers
Backup x-ui panel
Subcommittee and commission
Create discount and gift codes
Ability to track the user
Create button and answer for it
Configuration output with different IP or domains
Ability to change protocol and network type
Set configuration port randomly or automatically
Wallet (possibility of charging - balance transfer)
Send notification of new member in robot to (admin)
Display user information (user-admin)
Ability to send private messages from the admin to the user
Ability to manage and view servers - categories - plans
Ability to block and release
Ability to add admin
Show the inventory of servers
Ability to send income reports to the channel
Send public messages
Get sold configurations
Create a shared port and configure a dedicated port
Account testing for users
Card to card functionality
Display the sold accounts of each plan
Display capability (software link)
Send public messages with CronJob
Announcing the end of volume and configuration time (to the user)
Forced channel lock
Ability to get link details
Off/on capability (all robot features)
Notification of purchase information + renewal etc. in full to the admin robot
Be sure to join the group and channel and support us
Contact Developer
? Group: https://t.me/wizwizdev
? Channel: https://t.me/wizwizch
Stargazers over time