Codecraft is a graphical programming software which is based on Scratch 3.0. It targets teenagers of age 7-16, compatible with WIN/MAC.
By using a drag-and-drop interface, Codecraft has been helping users program without the need to write code in traditional text-based programming languages. Since its’ launch in 2018, it’s designed to make it easier for beginners, especially STEAM classrooms, to embrace coding to create projects and prototypes. With a focus on programming microcontrollers and IoT devices, Codecraft has been adapted and trusted by thousands of users all around the world. In 2022, Codecraft was recognized as Bett Awards Finalist and The Edtech Awards Cool Tool Finalist, two important and in prestigious awards the education technology industry.
Codecraft help online
Grove Zero
Arduino Mega && Arduino Uno && Grove Beginner Kit for Arduinol
Wio Terminal
You can download the latest version from the download page from our website or Github Release
This project requires:
cd ./blocks
npm install && npm run build
cd ./l10n
npm install && npm run build
cd ./vm
npm install && npm run build
cd ./gui
npm install
npm run build-mac
npm run build-win
Build main app
rm -r ../main/app/gui && cp -r ./build ../main/app/gui
cd ./main/app
npm install
./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild serialport
# If the error message “script is prohibited on this system” appears on the Windows
# system, you need to open powershell as an administrator, and then execute
# Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
cd ./main
npm install
rm -r build
npm run publish-mac
npm run publish-linux
npm run publish-win64
Once you finish building, you can find the installer under main/build/
If you want to enter debug mode and debug the gui, you need to run the gui locally first. The gui depends on block, l10n, and vm, so you need to compile these three projects first.
cd ./blocks
npm install && npm run build
cd ./l10n
npm install && npm run build
cd ./vm
npm install && npm run build
cd ./gui
npm run start
At this time, a web service is running in the current terminal. localhost:8601
Then modify window load URL.
Line 213 in /main/src/application.js
Comment out the line.
Open the line.
If you need the console, open the line.
Open a new terminal
cd ./main
npm run start
block directory: blocks/blocks_vertical
block l10n directory: blocks/msg/scratch_msgs.js
The block type value must start with 'argument', 'colour', 'control', 'data', 'event', 'looks', 'math', 'motion', 'operator', 'procedures', 'sensing', 'sound', 'system', 'display', 'azure', 'json', 'mqtt'. these values are defined in CORE_EXTENSIONS of vm/src/serialization/sb2.js and sb3.js files
code directory: gui/src/lib/generators/${device}/
ui xml directory: gui/lib/toolboxs/toolbox-${deviceId}-xml.js
1001: grove zero
1002: arduino
1004: micro:bit
1005: mark
1006: grove joint
1007: mPython
1008: glint
1009: bittle
1010: wio terminal
library directory: main/compilers/arduino-libraries/
You can put your arduino library in this directory
PR welcome
Here, we’d also love to announce an open call for contributions to Codecraft open source project on GitHub. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or just starting out, we welcome contributions of all levels. From fixing bugs, to implementing new features & new blocks of functions, to make it compatible with more hardware platforms, to improving the overall codebase, there are many ways in which you can contribute to the project. Thanks in advance for your interest in contributing to this project!
The code contained in this repository and the executable distributions are licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. The executable distributions contain third-party code licensed under other compatible licenses such as BSD-3.
TODO: add documentation on how to create new modules