The current Roslyn/Source Generator has limitations in accessing private members of referenced projects. Moreover, accessing private members can lead to situations where it works fine in the IDE but fails during the build process. For more details, please refer to the Roslyn issue, MetadataImportOptions.All doesn't work in source generators?. To avoid confusion, I will archive this until the relationship between Source Generators and private members is improved.
Source Generator and .NET 8 UnsafeAccessor based high-performance strongly-typed private accessor for unit testing and runtime.
generates accessor proxy.
using PrivateProxy;
public class Sample
int _field1;
int PrivateAdd(int x, int y) => x + y;
public partial struct SampleProxy;
// Source Generator generate this type
partial struct SampleProxy(Sample target)
[UnsafeAccessor(UnsafeAccessorKind.Field, Name = "_field1")]
static extern ref int ___field1__(Sample target);
[UnsafeAccessor(UnsafeAccessorKind.Method, Name = "PrivateAdd")]
static extern int __PrivateAdd__(Sample target, int x, int y);
public ref int _field1 => ref ___field1__(target);
public int PrivateAdd(int x, int y) => __PrivateAdd__(target, x, y);
public static class SamplePrivateProxyExtensions
public static SampleProxy AsPrivateProxy(this Sample target)
return new SampleProxy(target);
// You can access like this.
var sample = new Sample();
sample.AsPrivateProxy()._field1 = 10;
Generated code is fully typed, you can access private filed via IntelliSense and when private field was changed, can check compiler error.
, out
, in
, and ref readonly
method parametersreadonly
field and propertyref
returnFor example, this is the mutable struct and static, ref return, and constructor sample.
using PrivateProxy;
public struct MutableStructSample
int _counter;
void Increment() => _counter++;
// static and ref sample
static ref int GetInstanceCounter(ref MutableStructSample sample) => ref sample._counter;
// constructor sample
MutalbeStructSample(int x, int y) { /* ... */ }
// use ref partial struct
public ref partial struct MutableStructSampleProxy;
var sample = new MutableStructSample();
var proxy = sample.AsPrivateProxy();
// call private static method.
ref var counter = ref MutableStructSampleProxy.GetInstanceCounter(ref sample);
Console.WriteLine(counter); // 3
counter = 9999;
Console.WriteLine(proxy._counter); // 9999
// call private constructor and create instance.
var sample = MutableStructSampleProxy.CreateMutableStructFromConstructor(111, 222);
This library is distributed via NuGet, minimum requirement is .NET 8 and C# 12.
PM> Install-Package PrivateProxy
Package provides only analyzer and generated code does not dependent any other libraries.
target type and member
public class/* struct */ SupportTarget
// field
private int field;
private readonly int readOnlyField;
// property
private int Property { get; set; }
private int GetOnlyProperty { get; }
public int GetOnlyPrivateProperty { private get; set; }
public int SetOnlyPrivateProperty { get; private set; }
private int SetOnlyProperty { set => field = value; }
private ref int RefGetOnlyProperty => ref field;
private ref readonly int RefReadOnlyGetOnlyProperty => ref field;
// method
private void VoidMethod() { }
private int ReturnMethod() => field;
private int ParameterMethod(int x, int y) => x + y;
private void RefOutInMethod(in int x, ref int y, out int z, ref readonly int xyz) { z = field; }
private ref int RefReturnMethod() => ref field;
private ref readonly int RefReadOnlyReturnMethod() => ref field;
// static
static int staticField;
static readonly int staticReadOnlyField;
static int StaticProperty { get; set; }
static int StaticGetOnlyProperty { get; }
public static int StaticGetOnlyPrivateProperty { private get; set; }
public static int StaticSetOnlyPrivateProperty { get; private set; }
private static int StaticSetOnlyProperty { set => staticField = value; }
private static ref int StaticRefGetOnlyProperty => ref staticField;
private static ref readonly int StaticRefReadOnlyGetOnlyProperty => ref staticField;
private static void StaticVoidMethod() { }
static int StaticReturnMethod() => staticField;
static int StaticParameterMethod(int x, int y) => x + y;
static void StaticRefOutInMethod(in int x, ref int y, out int z, ref readonly int xyz) { z = staticField; }
static ref int StaticRefReturnMethod() => ref staticField;
static ref readonly int StaticRefReadOnlyReturnMethod() => ref staticField;
static ref int StaticRefReturnMethodParameter() => ref staticField;
// constructor
SupportTarget() { }
SupportTarget(int x, int y) { }
Proxy type can be class
=> class
or struct
, struct
=> ref struct
using PrivateProxy;
public class Sample;
// class proxy type both supports class and struct(recommend is struct)
public partial class SampleProxy1;
public partial struct SampleProxy2;
public struct SamplleStruct;
// struct only supports ref struct(when use standard struct, analyzer shows error)
public ref partial struct SamplleStructProxy;
GeneratePrivateProxyAttribute has two constructor, when use PrivateProxyGenerateKinds
parameter, can configure generate member kind.
public GeneratePrivateProxyAttribute(Type target) // use PrivateProxyGenerateKinds.All
public GeneratePrivateProxyAttribute(Type target, PrivateProxyGenerateKinds generateKinds)
internal enum PrivateProxyGenerateKinds
All = 0, // Field | Method | Property | Instance | Static | Constructor
Field = 1,
Method = 2,
Property = 4,
Instance = 8,
Static = 16,
Constructor = 32,
Currently, the following features are not supported
This library is licensed under the MIT License.