Telegram bot to automate trading Diablo II: Resurrected items in Traderie
- Alerts on all notifications
- Automatically relists all your items every 24 hours, with a weekly rolling delay with 5 minutes delta between days
- Alerts you of Dclone changes (community based trackers)
- Keeps your user always online
- Displays user messages if a message is received
- Displays trade offer details if one is received
- Has quick action buttons to accept, decline offers, and send 5 star reviews, as well as a greeting once an offer is accepted
- Replying to displayed messages from an user in Telegram will send them a message with the text from your reply, so you can have conversations within the bot without opening the website
To run this you need to specify constants in
TBD: Have these in a config file. Someday.
You'll need to create a Telegram Bot to obtain a Telegram Bot API for the APIKEY
Python 3.9 is required.