Scraper for generating valid sudoku puzzles along with solutions from websudoku.
Websudokucpp is a straightforward web scraper for downloading Sudoku puzzles and solutions from Core HTTP request functionality is implemented using the fantastic cpp-httplib header only library.
To scrape puzzles and solutions, websudokucpp simply makes an HTTP request to and parses the <INPUT NAME="cheat"
and <INPUT ID="editmak">
elements from the resulting HTML.
This project can be built pretty easily - first clone the repo with submodules, then you can make it like any other CMake project.
foo@bar:~$ git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:patrick--/websudoku_cpp.git
foo@bar:~$ mkdir build
foo@bar:~$ cd build
foo@bar:~$ cmake ..
foo@bar:~$ make
Now, you run the example main.cpp
file with :
foo@bar:~$ ./websudoku_cpp
The default constructor sets difficulty to Puzzle_difficulty::hard
Websudoku ws = Websudoku();
However, you can also create an instance with a specific difficulty. Options are:
Websudoku ws = Websudoku(Puzzle_difficulty::medium);
You can also update the difficulty at any time with:
To actually generate a puzzle you need to issue a download.
Alternatively, let's say you want to download a puzzle of a different difficulty level, but don't necessarily want to change the difficulty level of your instance.
Once a puzzle is downloaded, you can print it as a string or write it to a file. Both methods have an optional boolean include_solution
flag that prints or write your puzzle along with the solution.
std::cout << "Printing puzzle along with solution: " << ws.to_str(true) << "n";
std::cout << "Writing puzzle with solution to file: " << "n";
The output will look like:
9 7 6 - - - 5 8 -
- - - 4 - 7 6 2 -
3 - - 5 6 8 7 - -
- - - - - - 4 - 8
- 5 - 1 - 4 - 6 -
6 - 2 - - - - - -
- - 5 3 8 6 - - 7
- 1 7 9 - 2 - - -
- 6 3 - - - 2 9 5
9 7 6 2 1 3 5 8 4
5 8 1 4 9 7 6 2 3
3 2 4 5 6 8 7 1 9
1 3 9 6 2 5 4 7 8
7 5 8 1 3 4 9 6 2
6 4 2 8 7 9 3 5 1
2 9 5 3 8 6 1 4 7
4 1 7 9 5 2 8 3 6
8 6 3 7 4 1 2 9 5