Every individual component is using Chakra UI. So it should respect all Chakra UI Configs without problem.
The componenent itself has to use some date
Highly recommend just copy/paste the source code from /src
to customize however you want.
npm i date-fns dayzed
npm i chakra-dayzed-datepicker
yarn add date-fns dayzed
yarn add chakra-dayzed-datepicker
import { SingleDatepicker } from "chakra-dayzed-datepicker"; const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date()); <SingleDatepickername="date-input"date={date}onDateChange={setDate} />
Note that this list will have one value during the selection process. Your system won't work if you try to control this directly as [startDate, endDate]
because we'll try to set selectedDates
to [intermediateSelection]
and the length of the resulting selectedDates
is meaningful to the datepicker.
import { RangeDatepicker } from "chakra-dayzed-datepicker"; const [selectedDates, setSelectedDates] = useState<Date[]>([new Date(), new Date()]); <RangeDatepickerselectedDates={selectedDates}onDateChange={setSelectedDates} />
extends from ButtonProps
of Chakra-UI
This allows you to override the default behavior however your want as long as supported by Chakra-UI.
dayOfMonthBtnProps = { defaultBtnProps, isInRangeBtnProp, selectedBtnProps, todayBtnProps}
allows you to customzie date btn style based on the state.
Style precedence: default
< isInRange
< seleted
< today
might be useful when you want to setup some simple styles like text color globally
popoverCompProps = { popoverContentProps, popoverBodyProps}
To sum them up:
propsConfigs={{dateNavBtnProps: {},dayOfMonthBtnProps: { defaultBtnProps: {}, isInRangeBtnProps: {}, selectedBtnProps: {}, todayBtnProps: {}},inputProps: {},popoverCompProps: { popoverContentProps: {}, popoverBodyProps: {}},calendarPanelProps: { wrapperProps: {}, contentProps: {}, headerProps: {}, dividerProps: {},},weekdayLabelProps: {},dateHeadingProps: {} }}
propsConfigs={{dateNavBtnProps: { colorScheme: "blue", variant: "outline"},dayOfMonthBtnProps: { defaultBtnProps: {borderColor: "red.300",_hover: { background: 'blue.400',} }, isInRangeBtnProps: {color: "yellow", }, selectedBtnProps: {background: "blue.200",color: "green", }, todayBtnProps: {background: "teal.400", }},inputProps: { size: "sm"},popoverCompProps: { popoverContentProps: {background: "gray.700",color: "white", },},calendarPanelProps: { wrapperProps: {borderColor: 'green', }, contentProps: {borderWidth: 0, }, headerProps: {padding: '5px', }, dividerProps: {display: "none", },},weekdayLabelProps: { fontWeight: 'normal'},dateHeadingProps: { fontWeight: 'semibold'} }}
Non Chakra-related configurations :
configs={{ dateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd', dayNames: 'abcdefg'.split(''), // length of 7 monthNames: 'ABCDEFGHIJKL'.split(''), // length of 12 firstDayOfWeek: 2, // default is 0, the dayNames[0], which is Sunday if you don't specify your own dayNames, }}
Name | single/range | Type | Default value | Description |
name | both | string | undefined | name attribute for <input /> element |
usePortal | both | boolean | undefined | to prevent parent styles from clipping or hiding content |
defaultIsOpen | both | boolean | false | open the date panel at the beginning |
closeOnSelect | both | boolean | true | close the date panel upon the complete selection |
minDate | both | Date | undefined | minimum date |
maxDate | both | Date | undefined | maximum date |
disabledDates | single | Set | undefined | for single datepicker only, uses startOfDay as comparison, e.g., disabledDates={new Set([startOfDay(new Date()).getTime()} |
For version < [email protected]
extends from ButtonProps
and has only selectedBg
dayOfMonthBtnProps: {borderColor: "red.300",selectedBg: "blue.200",_hover: { bg: 'blue.400',} },