Caesar Cipher Encryption/Decryption
This project is a simple implementation of the Caesar cipher encryption and decryption algorithm using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The Caesar cipher is a substitution cipher that replaces each letter in the plaintext with a letter a certain number of positions down the alphabet.
To use the Caesar cipher encryption/decryption tool, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository or download the source code.
- Open the index.html file in a web browser.
- Select the desired operation from the "Encrypt" or "Decrypt" radio button.
- Enter the desired shift value, which determines how many positions each letter will be shifted.
- Enter the desired modulo value, which determines the length of the alphabet.
- Select the letter case you want maintaincase, lowercase, and uppercase.
- Select the foreign key you want to ignore or remove, if you selected to remove it will remove symbols.
- Enter the text you want to encrypt or decrypt in the input field provided.
- Click the submit button.
- The result will be displayed in the output section.
If you want to encrypt the message "HELLO" with a shift of 3, the resulting ciphertext will be "KHOOR".
To decrypt the ciphertext "KHOOR" with a shift of 3, the original plaintext "HELLO" will be recovered.
The project consists of the following files:
- index.html: The HTML file containing the user interface and JavaScript code.
- style.css: The CSS file for styling the user interface.
- script.js: The JavaScript file containing the implementation of the Caesar cipher algorithm.
- The readme file with instructions and information about the project.
This Caesar cipher encryption/decryption tool should work on most modern web browsers that support JavaScript. No additional libraries or frameworks are required.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use the code as per your needs.
This project was inspired by the concept of the Caesar cipher and was created for educational purposes.