1.0.0 is the world's most complete holiday listing website. There are at least 4300 unique holidays on the site that checkiday has verified for authenticity. This Go package, not endorsed by, serves as a simple wrapper on their API so that you can use their awesome data in your awesome app.
Get today's holidays
import ""
days, err := checkiday.Today()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Oh noes, an error occured: %s", err.Error())
for idx := range days.Holidays {
fmt.Printf("Today is %sn", days.Holidays[idx].Name)
Get the holidays of a specific date (must be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy
import ""
days, err := checkiday.On("07/30/2018")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Oh noes, an error occured: %s", err.Error())
for idx := range days.Holidays {
fmt.Printf("On 07/30/2018 we celebrated %sn", days.Holidays[idx].Name)
July 30th is a special day, since we celebrate National Cheesecake Day
See the LICENSE file in the repository
A most sincere thanks to the team of Checkiday, for building such an awesome service that I enjoy every day!
This package is not endorsed by