An open and collaborative list of things you have to check before submitting your package to the CRAN.
This repo was born after exchanges on Twitter regarding the CRAN submission process, especially this thread.
The idea here is to collect ground rules that would help the CRAN doing there work more easily, by listing common (or uncommon) things that they ask maintainers to change in order to be CRAN-proof.
CRAN submission is strict, the CRAN team is doing its work voluntarily, and there are more than 15K packages to maintain.
We believe we can help them by giving some good practices about package development and CRAN submission, so that package authors can work on these issues before the CRAN team ask them to do so. Hence, we could save everyone time by preventing the CRAN team from sending you an email because there is "with R" in the title of your DESCRIPTION. Because, as said by Peter Dalgaard:
too many people do not realise that the CRAN maintainer group can be counted on one hand, even one finger at times.
There are still steps to add to list automated tests as detailed in the following sections, but you can add it to a "dev/dev_history.R" file to run them each time you send something to CRAN.
# Prepare for CRAN ----
# Update dependencies in DESCRIPTION
# install.packages('attachment', repos = '')
# Check package coverage
# Run tests
# Run examples
# autotest::autotest_package(test = TRUE)
# Check package as CRAN using the correct CRAN repo
withr::with_options(list(repos = c(CRAN = "")),
rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck(args = c("--no-manual", "--as-cran")) })
# devtools::check(args = c("--no-manual", "--as-cran"))
# Check content
# install.packages('checkhelper', repos = '')
# All functions must have either `@noRd` or an `@export`.
# Check that you let the house clean after the check, examples and tests
# If you used parallel testing, you may need to avoid it for the next check with `Config/testthat/parallel: false` in DESCRIPTION
all_files_remaining <- checkhelper::check_clean_userspace()
# If needed, set back parallel testing with `Config/testthat/parallel: true` in DESCRIPTION
# Check spelling - No typo
# usethis::use_spell_check()
# Check URL are correct
# install.packages('urlchecker', repos = '')
# check on other distributions
# _rhub v2
rhub::rhub_setup() # Commit, push, merge
rhub::rhub_check() # launch manually
# _win devel CRAN
# _win release CRAN
# _macos CRAN
# Need to follow the URL proposed to see the results
# Check reverse dependencies
# remotes::install_github("r-lib/revdepcheck")
# In another session because Rstudio interactive change your config:
id <- rstudioapi::terminalExecute("Rscript -e 'revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 4)'")
# if [Exit Code] is not 0, there is a problem !
# to see the problem: execute the command in a new terminal manually.
# See outputs now available in revdep/
revdep_details(revdep = "pkg")
revdep_summary() # table of results by package
# Clean up when on CRAN
# Update NEWS
# Bump version manually and add list of changes
# Add comments for CRAN
usethis::use_cran_comments(open = rlang::is_interactive())
# Upgrade version number
usethis::use_version(which = c("patch", "minor", "major", "dev")[1])
# Verify you're ready for release, and release
returns 0 0 0The first thing to do is to run devtools::check()
, and to be sure that there are no error, no warning, no note.
If you're in RStudio, you can also click on Build > Check.
If ever you think these warnings or notes are not justified, leave a comment when submitting where you specify why you think this is not justified.
You can call usethis::use_spell_check()
inside your package to add a test for spelling.
Call spelling::spell_check_package()
at any time if you need to run the spellcheck.
The {rhub}
package allows to check your package on several platforms with the CRAN default configuration, using GitHub Actions.
Run rhub::rhub_setup()
and follow instructions.
More about {rhub}
Test that your package builds using the win-builder tool, or with devtools::check_win_devel()
Build and manually submit your archive here:
These checks might not catch everything the CRAN team will catch, so here is a list of good practices:
Note that if this is your first submission, you will automatically have a NOTE, for New submission
CRAN submission of a new version should not be done too frequently. One time every 30 days seems to be the general rule (unless you're resubmitting after a CRAN team member feedback).
When resubmitting after a CRAN feedback, be sure to include that this is a resubmission after a feedback, and describe what you have done.
If you resubmit after a CRAN feedback, add 1 to the patch component of your version number (e.g, if your first submission is 0.3.1, your resubmission should be 0.3.2).
CRAN can reject packages that have grammar errors on the DESCRIPTION
Some common spelling errors:
(example: Lorem-Ipsum Helper Function for 'shiny' Prototyping
, not Api
file should have a cph
(copyright holder).
It can either be the first author, or the company where the author(s) work(s).
This might not be caught by the CRAN, but be sure you have filled everything in this file.
It's tempting to write something like 'A friendlier condition handler for R' or 'Easy Dockerfile creation for R' in the title of your repository on GitHub (and seems appropriate). The CRAN team will ask you to remove this, as it is redundant (you're only dealing with R packages on the CRAN).
Write an elaborated Description field.
The title should be in title case
Capital and Lowercase Letters in Titles (Title Case)
Note: this should be caught by r-hub.
A CRAN-proof package should have a long description that explains what the package does, what are the benefits, what is new and how does it differ from what is already on the CRAN.
Neither the title nor the description should start with "A package..." or with the name of the package.
If you quote another package, an article/book or a website/API, put its name between single quote '
. Also, package names are case sensitive. e.g. 'shiny' --> 'Shiny'.
If a function name is used in your DESCRIPTION, make sure to follow it with parentheses. e.g., "provides a drop-in replacement for cat() from the 'base' package."
If you write an R interface to an API or implement an algorithm from a published article/book, add a reference to the publication as a DOI, ISBN, or similar canonical link, or URL for the API or article in the 'Description' field of your DESCRIPTION file.
When linking to an article or website in the DESCRIPTION, use angle brackets to auto-link.
API name <http:...> or <https:...>
authors (year) <DOI:...> (see <> )
authors (year) <arXiv:...>
authors (year, ISBN:...)
with no space after https:
, doi:
, arXiv:
and angle brackets for auto-linking.
All the exported functions in your package should have a @return
If a function does not return a value, document that too.
If there is an internal function (not exported) with partial documentation (title, and.or @param
), use the tag #' @noRd
to avoid generating documentation.
You can use checkhelper::find_missing_tags()
to help you find the missing tags in your documentation. Install {checkhelper} from GitHub:
elements in the examples might in fact be run by CRAN.
If you don't want an example to be run, wrap it between if (interactive()) {}
. Do not wrap example between if (FALSE) {}
should only be used if the example really cannot be executed
(e.g. because of missing additional software, missing API keys, ...) by
the user. That's why wrapping examples in dontrun{}
adds the comment
("# Not run:") as a warning for the user.
Unwrap the examples if they are executable in < 5 sec, or replace
with donttest{}
Note that donttest{}
will be run by check()
and may be run by CRAN...
If there are some URLs in your documentation, be sure to:
You can use {urlchecker} to help:
)If you have relative URIs pointing to files like
from within the
for instance:
Code is distributed under the [GPL-3.0-License](
They will throw the following CRAN error:
Found the following (possibly) invalid file URIs:
Changing the relative links to absolute links pointing to the {pkgdown} website does the trick (see the Code of conduct in {dplyr}
Code is distributed under the [GPL-3.0-License](
Pointing to an external resource, for a license, also works (see the {golem}
Code is distributed under the [GPL-3.0-License](
If you have examples that take more than a few seconds each to run, wrap them in donttest{}
, don't use dontrun{}
#' @example
#' donttest{x <- foo(y)}
There should be no empty tags in the documentation (for the one requiring a value).
detects empty @param
and @return
Again, you can use checkhelper::find_missing_tags()
to help you find the missing tags in your documentation. Install {checkhelper} from GitHub:
If you got this problem on CRAN
Warning: <img> attribute "align" not allowed for HTML5
You can follow these steps:
CRAN Repository Policy state :
Packages should not write in the user’s home filespace (including clipboards), nor anywhere else on the file system apart from the R session’s temporary directory (or during installation in the location pointed to by TMPDIR: and such usage should be cleaned up). Installing into the system’s R installation (e.g., scripts to its bin directory) is not allowed.
You might not know what temporary directories / files are or how to use them. These temporary files are created for the current R session, and they are deleted when the session is closed.
You can create them with:
file <- tempfile()
Add an extension with
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
[1] "/var/folders/lz/thnnmbpd1rz0h1tmyzgg0mh00000gn/T//Rtmpnh8kAc/fileae1e28878432.csv"
So you can:
write.csv(iris, file = tmp)
See: Create Names for Temporary Files
If packages depend on your package, you should run a reverse dependencies test on packages listed with devtools::revdep()
Use {revdepcheck}:
# Check reverse dependencies
# remotes::install_github("r-lib/revdepcheck")
# In another session
id <- rstudioapi::terminalExecute("Rscript -e 'revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 4)'")
# See outputs
revdep_details(revdep = "pkg")
revdep_summary() # table of results by package
revdep_report() # in revdep/
# Clean up when on CRAN
Creates, a template for your communications with CRAN when submitting a package. The goal is to clearly communicate the steps you have taken to check your package on a wide range of operating systems. If you are submitting an update to a package that is used by other packages, you also need to summarize the results of your reverse dependency checks.
usethis::use_cran_comments(open = rlang::is_interactive())
You can run devtools::release()
to automatically send to CRAN from R.
You'll receive a link in your mailbox. Click on this link to confirm the upload.
Depending on the package, it might take between one hour and several weeks, if it needs manual inspection, it can take some time.
You can watch the status of your package with {cransays}
Checklist for CRAN submissions
CRAN Repository Policy
R packages - by Hadley Wickham & Jennifer Bryan
Writing R Extensions - Official Documentation
Mastering Software Development in R - by Roger D. Peng, Sean Kross, and Brooke Anderson.
How to develop good R packages (for open science) - by Maëlle Salmon (including list of tutorials)
Sinew: Simple R Package Documentation - by Jonathan Sidi
rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review - by rOpenSci onboarding editors