Adds a passive SCP to the game. A certain amount of items will randomly be selected to be SCP-035 from a configurable list of item types. If a player picks up the item that SCP-035 is disguised as, the player will be turned into an SCP but are able to use their inventory like a human. This player will be able to kill their own class, bypassing friendly fire rules. Once SCP-035 dies, he will return to disguising into items until his next victim picks him up.
EXILED must be installed for this to work.
Place the "Scp035.dll" file in your Plugins folder.
Config | Type | Default | Description |
is_enabled | Boolean | True | Whether the plugin should load. |
debug | Boolean | False | Whether debug messages should show. |
corrode_trail | Boolean | False | Whether a Scp035 should leave a trail behind them. |
corrode_trail_interval | Integer | 5 | The amount of time between the creation of a part of the trail. |
scp_friendly_fire | Boolean | False | Whether Scp035 and Scp subjects can damage each other. |
tutorial_friendly_fire | Boolean | True | Whether Scp035 and tutorials can damage each other. |
win_with_tutorial | Boolean | True | Whether Scp035 and tutorials will win together. |
Configs for the corrosion of Scp035 instances.
Config | Type | Default | Description |
is_enabled | Boolean | False | Whether a Scp035 host will lose health over time. |
damage | Integer | 5 | The amount of damage that will be dealt to a Scp035 host each interval. |
interval | Float | 6 | The amount of seconds between each damage tick. |
Configs for the corrosion of players around Scp035 instances.
Config | Type | Default | Description |
is_enabled | Boolean | False | Whether players around a Scp035 host will lose health over time. |
distance | Float | 1.5 | The minimum distance a player must be to a Scp035 instance to take damage. |
damage | Integer | 5 | The amount of damage that will be dealt to players around a Scp035 host. |
life_steal | Boolean | True | Whether Scp035 instances will heal while dealing corrosion damage. |
interval | Float | 1 | The amount of seconds between each damage tick. |
Configs for the spawning of Scp035 item instances.
Config | Type | Default | Description |
infected_item_count | Integer | 1 | How many Scp035 item instances will spawn per cycle. |
rotate_interval | Float | 30 | The amount of seconds between each spawn interval. |
possible_items | ItemType Array | Adrenaline, Coin, Disarmer, Flashlight, Medkit, Painkillers, Radio, GrenadeFlash, GrenadeFrag, MicroHID | All ItemTypes that a Scp035 item instance can spawn as. |
spawn_after_death | Boolean | false | Whether a Scp035 item instance will spawn when a Scp035 host dies. |
Configs for the display of a notification to users looking at a Scp035 instance.
Config | Type | Default | Description |
is_enabled | Boolean | False | Whether players looking at Scp035 will see a notification. |
interval | Float | 5 | The time between checking if a player is looking at a Scp035 instance. |
minimum_range | Float | 10 | The minimum distance a Scp035 instance must be to a player to display a notification. |
maximum_range | Float | 30 | The maximum distance a Scp035 instance must be to a player to display a notification. |
use_hints | Boolean | True | Whether hints should be used in place of a broadcast. |
notification | Broadcast | You are looking at a |
The message to be displayed to players. |
Configs in relation to Scp035 instances.
Config | Type | Default | Description |
ammo_amount | Unsigned Integer | 250 | The amount of ammo that is given to Scp035. |
can_heal_beyond_host_hp | Boolean | True | Whether a Scp035 instance can heal beyond their current roles max health. |
can_use_medial_items | Boolean | True | Whether a Scp035 instance can use medical items. |
health | Integer | 300 | The amount of health a Scp035 instance will spawn with. |
self_inflict | Boolean | False | Whether the user who picks up an item will become an instance or if someone will be chosen to replace them. |
scale | Vector | z: 1 y: 1 x: 1 | The size of a Scp035 instance. |
spawn_broadcast | Broadcast | You have picked up |
The broadcast that will be displayed to an Scp035 instance when they spawn. |